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reviewed Severan Mal Unban Request


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Alright, I know what I did wrong. I won't deny it. I did abuse my power as police. I read the rules a few days ago and realized that I should not have done that. Here is a list of what I did wrong: RDM (Multiple Times), CDM (Multiple Times with my cousin zeke). I did nothing else wrong. If I did, please post what I did and when I did below this post. Before you do that though, let me explain why I did those things, my apology, and a request for unban.


What happened that night, was that me and by cousin Ezekial were playing together and we were messing around. I wasn't thinking straight (I was tired as it was 3:00 AM), and so I decided that I would mess around and start killing people like it was GTA (Bad Idea!). My cousin told me not to. He was right. Instead, he suggested that we run people over, as we would not get a long ban. We did, and we got into an argument with someone concerning the rules. We ran him over. I decided to become a cop and kill people. My cousin left the game and I did just that. I eventually became bored and left.


I apologize very deeply for this. I know that it is against the rules now. This will not happen again, I promise. Once again, I apologize greatly.


I also would like to ask for a second chance to make things right. I know that I am the one at fault here and it is in your hands to ban or unban. I would really like to try again. Thank you for considering my unban request :)

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