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Cs:s Crashes On Non-Stock Maps


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So almost every time I join minigames or bhop, my counterstrike crashes with an error message I'm gonna attach.


I know it's a mac problem (inb4 "who games on mac hurr durr") but I don't know how to fix it.


Anyone got any fixes?


Also, in case it helps, I have plenty of free space on my hard drive so it has nothing to do with hard drive space and new maps. I actually already have ski mountain on my computer.


Edited by xafizzle
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please l2'Nix before buying a Mac :P

It probably has to do with the SteamPipe update and the ungodly mess of the directory structure Steam uses for Mac OS X :D



temporary solution :


change the location where the maps are downloaded.


You can do this by editing the file "gameinfo.txt."


(to find where this file is, open steam, go to your games library, click on the CS game properties, then click on the "local files" tab and click on "browse local files". A window should open and you should be able to see the "gameinfo.txt" file. )


Make a back up of it before you edit this file.

The directory where downloaded maps are stored is specified in the very last line:





// but only while you are connected that server and on that map.

// game+download cstrike/download % THIS IS THE ORIGINAL LINE

game+download /Users/[username]/Documents/CStemp/download





in my case i set the downloadable maps to be stored on my Documents directory under the folder CStemp (which i created).


The // symbol means that the line is not read by the program, so it acts as a comment only.


To go back to the old setting all you have to do is revert to the downloaded file to their original directory ; "cstrike/download"


Hope this helps


I'm guessin' you're gonna have to reload steam and try to redownload the maps.... Probably try _copying_ the cstrike/maps directory to the temp dir you make.


either way, get a Windoze machine and hackintosh it if you really want the Steve Mobs experience :)

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I never had this problem for months though. I played fine on mg and bhop for at least 5 or 6 months before I got this issue.


But I'll try that and see if it works. I am trying to get Windows on here cause I really don't like mac but I'm just too lazy (and poor). I have 50 or so games in my library I can't play so I'll get around to it eventually any way.


Thank you

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