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Wal Greens Incident Tonight


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So an armed guard follows my girlfriend (-hg-Shiannasaurus Rex) around Wal Greens and when she puts her phone in her pocket he accuses her of stealing and escorts her to the counter. I go in 20 minutes later with my Springfield XDs 9mm on my hip and walk around for 10 minutes before I buy my milk. As I walk to the counter all he says is "Hey man how's it going?". What a fucking pansy this guy was. He sees a 21 year old female and he wants to play hard ass (although she let him know she is in school to be a cop and has the same qualifications as him not to mention she was buying a few things with a $100 bill and didn't need to steal) but when he sees a 28 year old man with a gun on his hip he could careless if I am stealing or not. Didn't follow me around or nothing. Definitely calling his supervisor tomorrow. Police Academy deny you moron?

Edited by Sonick
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Nothing. She paid for her stuff and left. He sorta backed down a little bit once she let him know she is in school to be a cop and has the same qualifications as him. I think he is probably use to people cowering down and not standing up for themselves so when he sees someone do it he goes in pussy mode. As I was walking out a cop was walking in. I was just hoping he would ask the cop to come check me so I could show him my concealed carry permit and make him look like a jackass even more.

Edited by Sonick
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Be like the guys on youtube and when a cop asks, just deny your ID saying it is your legal right then when he gets a tude ask him if you are being detained, then walk away LOL.


HA! Most of the cops in Kentucky know the guns laws unlike a lot of places where they are too uppity to care. There are so many places that would rather arrest first and ask questions later. It's sad.


U get his badge numba motha fucka? B/c crips liek us yuh know wat im shawin. Wee wil go beng da shet ou of dat coppa. now wat im sayin mother fucka (MOFO)


LOL. This is one of "those guys" that instead of wearing like a Securitas shirt or an actual company shirt, he wears a black shirt that simply says SECURITY on the chest and back.

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Security follow me all the time. I just fuck with them and make them think im stealing things, when all i do is place it in a different section. If you really want to have some fun, sprint toward the exit and watch them chase you for no reason.


You did the right thing

Edited by (Headband)(EG)
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Security follow me all the time. I just fuck with them and make them think im stealing things, when all i do is place it in a different section. If you really want to have some fun, sprint toward the exit and watch them chase you for no reason.


You did the right thing


LOL i remeber when I was in highschool with my freinds. And we had security following us in a store. We Literally went arround in circles. After them following us 10 times in a circle they stopped us and said. What are you guys doing? We said we were coming here to look at stuff to potentially buy, but since we seen you were trying to harass us, based on a steriotype we decided to make you work for your money.

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LOL i remeber when I was in highschool with my freinds. And we had security following us in a store. We Literally went arround in circles. After them following us 10 times in a circle they stopped us and said. What are you guys doing? We said we were coming here to look at stuff to potentially buy, but since we seen you were trying to harass us, based on a steriotype we decided to make you work for your money.

At least they got more entertainment then if they were to work in the Office :P

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What is with security following people.


In Chile security just wait at the doors and when someone robs something they just pussy out and start running,



Or they break the law and punch the shit out of the robber.

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You guys have armed guards at Walgreens? Jesus..


Just this one and they just started with him a week or so ago. I have never felt unsafe in this walgreens and its usually 1-3am when we go so I am not sure why they even have him.

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Although i was not stealing nor have i ever. i could have shoved as much shit in my pocket that i wanted and he could not have done one thing about it until i tried to walk out the door. at that point in time he could have accused me of theft. i assured him he was nothing special and i met every qualification he did. Next time sonick will have to purchase his own hemorrhoid cream and cookies. i will not be harassed by a middle aged rent-a-cop.

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It shouldn't happen just because you are young. I don't think 21 and 28 year olds need to be profiled as thieves just because they are in Wal Greens at 1 am. Did I overreact? Not at all. He thinks he is a bad ass because he carries a gun. We both carry guns too... He doesn't want to do that to the wrong person.

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