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The Binding Of Isaac Racing League Anyone?


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Hey all,


Slop Here,


So I'm playing the binding of isaac a lot lately and have been especially interested in the competitive racing. as seen on Crumps2 on twitch, and many other twitch channels.


I'm looking for a few people to race against for fun. if you are interested just let me know. i'm hoping to get a few people.


If you don't own The binding of Isaac but would like to compete the game is only about $4.99 on steam + 2.99 for the expansion "the wrath of the lamb"


Below are the rules for the binding of isaac racing league.


General Game Rules

  • All players must use the league sanctioned savefile to start each race, NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Players must race as Isaac.
  • Each match is a Best of 3 format, with the goal of each game being to be the first to Womb 2 (kill Mom's Heart).
  • Resets are allowed at any time during a game.
  • Loading screen errors, while frustrating, are considered a part of the game. "Sorry, Flash sucks." -Crumps

Banned Items


During gameplay, players will not be allowed to collect any of the following items:

  • Bible
  • Shovel
  • Epic Fetus
  • Dr. Fetus
  • Dead Sea Scrolls
  • Ipecac
  • D6*

If you pick up a banned item, you will be required to reset your game, even if you leave the item behind.

*The D6

  • Should a Devil Deal/Curse room have two items, the D6 may be used to reroll a banned item. If the rerolled item is not on the banned list, the item must be taken or left, not rerolled.
  • Players are allowed to use the D6 to reroll Toothpicks due to its status as a 'Dead item', aka having no use.

Once again, hit me up if interested. the game is challenging, if you like a challenge this is your game.



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This sounds like fun, how would we know who does it faster?


well, you will be in TS or if you have streaming capability that is ideal.


Pfft i always got killed in the first 10 minutes...


still better than some :P

Edited by Ben (slophole)
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