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Unban Request!!!!!


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Please can you unbanned us , I have checked our ban status it says inactive and passed ( (10mon 2wk 3d 21h 1m ago)

2012-08-15 12:06 AM but why when We login it says you're banned????

We're sorry give us last chance We didnt know all the rules yet we were new. We want to return to play this breautiful game.


My account here http://hellsgamers.c...s&st=jack sparo


Steam Id : 0:15439761


Character name: notime


My applogize to Admins


My friend account here http://hellsgamers.c...s&st=kali malih


Steam Id: 1:13872780


Character name: Malih


My applogize to Admins



Kali Malih

Jack Sparo



Edited by pivot1
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