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reviewed Admin Abuse. -Ashpokeman


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1. Abuser name: ashpokeman

2. Their Steam Id: Not sure :$ I'm really sorry.

3. What server: Zombie Survival

4. About what time: 6:30













Or ask phooogie he saw the whole thing unfold



6. Please tell us about the incident


Well. I logged into the server and the first thing I did was press the elevator button. So I could go down. Then for some odd reason I got slayed.

Now I knew it was abuse because I did NOTHING wrong. He said I was repeatedly pressing the button which I was not. Then I told Him I was going to report him then he called me a fucktard and said how I was "Threating him" Which is not true. I wouldn't do that.

As you see by the screenshots he said he said sorry but he really didn't and called me a moron.

I come on the server to have FUN. Not to be abused.

Please do something about it.

Edited by Salo
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If you're going to post it 3 times in the wrong place the least you could do is use the template


1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us about the incident

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If you're going to post it 3 times in the wrong place the least you could do is use the template


1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us about the incident

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I did not mean to abuse, I slayed you because you were the only one facing the button for the elevator on the map, I told you to back up, and you did not, thats why I slayed you. I asked mutiple times, because I thought you were pushing the elevator button. I slayed for manily because you really ignored my awnser to get away from the button

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And that is a lie, it kept going down and up down and up, you never once got in the elevator. like I said, I warned you. You failed to follow my directions to jump down or move away from the button, which then I slayed you.

Edited by ashpokeman
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I did not mean to abuse, I slayed you because you were the only one facing the button for the elevator on the map, I told you to back up, and you did not, thats why I slayed you. I asked mutiple times, because I thought you were pushing the elevator button. I slayed for manily because you really ignored my awnser to get away from the button

You must of done It before I logged on because I litterly logged on a second before I pressed the button. You did not warn me.
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You must of done It before I logged on because I litterly logged on a second before I pressed the button. You did not warn me.


That is a lie, you stood there for like two minutes. I used my mic, I said "salo, stop pushing the button. Back away or im going to punish you.". I was right behind you. and you didnt do anything at all and kept facing the button. So I slayed you for ignoreing what I said. If you didnt hear me, that is your fault.

Edited by ashpokeman
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And that is a lie, it kept going down and up down and up, you never once got in the elevator. like I said, I warned you. You failed to follow my directions to jump down, which then I slayed you.

You're far streching the truth.

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That is a lie, you stood there for like two minutes. I used my mic, I said "salo, stop pushing the button. Back away or im going to punish you.". I was right behind you. and you didnt do anything at all and kept facing the button. So I slayed you for ignoreing what I said. If you didnt hear me, that is your fault.

Thats a lie. You wanna get phooogie in this? He can say what happened. I didn't wait at the button. Seriously. Stop trying to save your rep.
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There were no warnings in the pictures but they were cropped so I can't tell if you did warn him.


Ashpokemon make sure you use respectful language while you're dealing with someone rather than calling them a moron and such.


Other than that, reviewed.

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