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Can Anyone Find A Reason To Prefer Xbox One Over Ps4


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Committed loyalty to the halo franchise.


Looking more for the full entertainment aspect than just a gaming console (similar to how people went PS3 because of the Blu ray player).


Bad experience with PS3 as opposed to Xbox360.


Fantasy sports junkie.


All I can think of ATM but I'm sure there's more. For pure gamers the choice seems pretty clear but for anyone who falls into one of these very specific categories, maybe not so obvious.

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Xbox One's built in kinect has its microphone and camera always on, which in turn if you are doing something bad (Meth, Coke, etc etc) They'll sell it to the government and make some money.

So if you all like to do Meth, Coke, etc etc in the privacy of your own home or you just don't like like fat kids sitting behind a computer screen watching you wank it to Xbox One porn, I would suggest Ps4.

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