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Team Fortress 2 Advisor Application


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Currently the TF2 division is looking to hire another advisor to help us out. Right now we are looking for only ONE advisor.


What we are looking for is trust and maturity. Will you be able to help the division and community grow? In applying for the advisor position you WILL be expected to recruit people into HG, moderate our servers, handle ban reports, and remain professional. If you think you can do these things then feel free to post below.


Some prerequisites to applying:

  • You MUST play TF2 and have at least 200 hours of total hours played on your steam account. This application is only for [HG] and HG|

  • This application is for people in the TF2 division.

  • Don't even bother posting if SteamRep has marked you as a scammer. If you cleared your scam with them you may post.

I will be closing this thread on Saturday, June 22, 2013 and the TF2 leadership will go through each application thoroughly. We will then decide on a new advisor the following day, Sunday the 23rd of June.


Please follow the template below when posting:


Your steam name:


Link to your Steam account:

Link to your SteamRep:

How old are you?

Which TF2 servers of ours do you play on?

How long have you been playing TF2?

Why do you want to become an advisor?

What does trust mean to you?

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers?

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers?

Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back?

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Your steam name: HG | 3V0Lu710N

STEAM ID: 1:30842083

Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021949895/

Link to your SteamRep: https://steamrep.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fsteamcommunity.com%2Fprofiles%2F76561198021949895%2F - i do have 1 incident that i have done and that i am not proud of,this was 2 years ago and since ive never committed such a thing and i am not planning to either. in the time of the event i was unaware of what a scammer was.

How old are you? - 17

Which TF2 servers of ours do you play on? - All of them, im mostly on orange servers and trade but i do check all servers once in a while for trouble makers.

How long have you been playing TF2? - Since ive been on this steam account about 3 years althought i dont have many hours on it.

Why do you want to become an advisor? - I think im capable of doing the work the advisor position requires, most of all i enjoy doing it, keeping the servers free of hackers and also considering all of the current advisors are from the usa and im in europe i constantly see ban reports/recruit applications being unhandled for 12 hours straight, id be doing the work when the others can't.

What does trust mean to you? - Trust to me means having faith in another person that they will think and act in a correct way, that will not betray you or abandon you, someone trustworthy is someone that is always open with you and that does not have any secrets, trust is about not having the fear or hesitation of telling someone your feelings or your issues

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers? - All of them

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers? - Speaking of long term admin, ive only had such a thing in cs 1.6 2 years ago, since ive been with hg i have rarely played on any other community servers, i have sticked with the games that our community has provided and i have been an admin on and off on HG servers for a long time and i can say that i am experienced and know how things go around.

Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back? - Front because i think its the right way.

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Your Steam name: HG | EVILTYLER15

Steam ID: 0:0:1750282

Link my Steam account: http://steamcommunit.../id/evilconways

Link my SteamRep: https://steamrep.com.../id/evilconways

How old are you? - 17

What TF2 server of ours do you play on : I play on all of them but mostly payload maps

How long have you been playing TF2? - I have been playing TF2 since it came out in 2007

Why do you want to become an advisor? - I wanna help with the servers and help other if they need help.

What does trust mean to you? - what is trust? baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more.

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers? - Yes i have but i stopped paying for it

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers? - No i have not i have on had admin on the TF2 servers

Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back?- Back because it is easier to rip.

Edited by EVILTYLER15
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Your steam name: [HG] Eros

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:34993944

Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunit...561198030253616

Link to your SteamRep: http://steamrep.com/...561198030253616

How old are you? 14

Which TF2 servers of ours do you play on? All of them but I’m usually on Degroot, Orange, and Trade Servers.

How long have you been playing TF2? 2 years

Why do you want to become an advisor? I wanna help out in the community as much as I can and I think becoming an advisor would be the perfect way to help out and I know I’ll be able to do all the things an advisor should do by recruiting people into HG, reviewing ban reports, and administrating are servers.

What does trust mean to you? Trust to me means you believe in someone or you rely on someone.

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers? Yes I was admin on are CSS Jailbreak server for a few months, I was admin on are TF2 Trade Servers, and I was admin on are DarkRP server.

Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers? No.

Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back? Back because I think it looks normal.

Edited by Eros
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Your steam name: [HG] Sonick


STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:24432971


Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/martydobbins/


Link to your SteamRep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198009131671


How old are you? 28


Which TF2 servers of ours do you play on? All Trade, Turbine, DeGroot, Orange


How long have you been playing TF2? 3 Years


Why do you want to become an advisor? Although I have only been in HG for 6 months, I have been playing almost exclusively on HG TF2 and CSS servers for 4 years. In the last two weeks alone I have over 99 hours in game (my two week average is usually higher), exclusively on HG servers. I love this community, both the servers and the members. Moderation of the servers as well as helping other members, welcoming and processing recruits, and all of the other tasks involved in being an advisor and other leadership positions is what I not only excel at, but enjoy. I have been in many managerial roles in my life and I have always gained the trust and respect of others when placed in these roles. I make it fun but also keep everything in line to ensure operations run smoothly. I am not working right now and have a ton of time to devote to TF2 and HG and I am up all hours of the day and night. It's just as common to see me on at noon as it is at 10pm or 4am. If I am selected, it will not be a regret and I will do everything I can to help lift some weight off the other leadership.


What does trust mean to you? Trust is a bond that is made between people that allows them to believe that when one says they will do something that it will get done. It also takes all question out of play when someone is approached on an action they took. Trust is not something that should be automatically given, but rather something that is earned. To trust someone is to know that if you need something they will get it done and done right. To be trusted is to know that if someone asks something of you, that you will do all you can to ensure it is done and if you can't do it immediately let them know why you can't do it and what you would suggest to ensure it can be done.


Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers? Yes, admin on all TF2 servers and use to admin the CSS servers.


Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers? No. I usually only play on HG servers.


Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back? I take it off the holder and unroll it by hand, drives people nuts!


Thank you for taking the time to read my application and also for your consideration.

Edited by Sonick
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Your steam name [HG] Sharp_Shooter


STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:37719874


Link to your Steam account: http://steamcommunit...id/player_1673/


Link to your SteamRep: https://steamrep.com...id/player_1673/


How old are you? 16 and if you think thats too young I am learning to fly planes right now.


Which TF2 servers of ours do you play on? I don't trade so I have no reason to be in your trade servers. The other severs you have are never populated so I stick to the lotus servers.


How long have you been playing TF2? I purchased the game before it become F2P but I never got into it until roughly last year.


Why do you want to become an advisor? I want to be able to do more than what I can now. I hate the feeling of someone with power not taking action when the action they need to take is obvious. Being an advisor would allow me to be the middle man of a problem, help people talk it out and if need be "remove" the irritating person(s). Quite simply the more assistance I can provide to other players the better.


What does trust mean to you? It's believing the other person won't go back on his word after he said it, won't change it at all. Sitting in a room with enough food for a week for one person. Giving the stranger in the room a rifle and turning your back.


Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers? Yes, I purchased "server admin" before you changed it to vip, gold, etc. As you will see I did have some issues but those are behind me. The major issue was against X7 Sword who constantly abused and made the game unenjoyable for others. Truthfully when I have to request an advisor to join the Zs server they usually don't want to. But thats behind me and you can see it was a while ago.


Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers? I ran my own 20 slot minecraft server a while back. I had to shut it down simply because I didn't have the money for it. It was pretty popular with about 400+ unique players. I am a donator on the Lotus servers and I have not received any complaints over there. I'm in talks right now about getting administrator powers on someones custom trade server.


Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back? The front. It's the logical way and the only way to have it. I say I will change it around if it's the other way in the back but usually I don't feel like it. Truthfully it really doesn't matter what way you have your toilet paper, we each have our preference. Mine just so happens to be the front.


As you can see I had some bad experiences with other paid admins but thats all behind me. If you will look at logs I have rarely had to kick/gag/ban anyone in the Zs server usually because I can talk it out with them. Theres no need to use commands if I can simply talk them out of doing it.


Have a good day.

Edited by sharp_shooter
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Your steam name: - [HG] Toast ¹


STEAM ID: - 1:36899494


Link to your Steam account: - http://steamcommunit...m/id/retzirk94/


Link to your SteamRep: - http://steamrep.com/...561198034064717


How old are you? - 18


Which TF2 servers of ours do you play on? - All of them, mostly MARIO KART, Orange and Surf


How long have you been playing TF2? - On and off for 3ish years, it first caught my real attention 1½ year ago, when I found the HG's servers.


Why do you want to become an advisor? - So I can get a chance to be a part of the evolving of HG's TF2 servers, especially the Mario Kart .


What does trust mean to you? - Gosh, I don't like these trap questions..

For me it's a bond that makes it possible for me to rely on someone no matter what.


Have you ever been an admin/mod on any of OUR servers? - All of the TF2's and Css


Have you ever been an admin/mod on any non HG servers? - I've been admin and CO-OWNER in a clan with 5 wcs servers, both css and TF2. Until they ditched me and combined with another clan that I can't stand.


Do you prefer toilet paper with the start of the roll in the front or back? - I don't know about you guys, but I prefer the start of the sandpaper roll to be in the front.

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