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not enough info Web-Flashing Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name:HG WebFlashing


2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:0:38244644


3. What server:Gmod Hg ZS


4. About what time:June 18-June 21




(Yes it is not a demo...Forgive me but Ive never reported anyone before, I recently learned I had to demo evidence by inc but this was recorded before it...Anywho I already talked to dirtydna about it not being a demo, He said it was ok for abuse)


6. Please tell us about the incident Video is cut into parts, I am a server admin on a alt account just saying... Ive been told that web abuses his admin sometimes... So... Since I had a alt, I might as well see how he treats "New people (Newbies)". I pretended to be a new person who just learned how to use his hammer to cade.



Video #1 -Incident : Webflashing slaying slaying someone for cading bad...(He might be new, you learn to cade through trial and error). But... Notice how he says if he doesnt remove his nails he will slay him, After the slay, Nothing happens, Web just tells him to remove his nails or be slayed but it had no purpose considering after the slay... Considering web said he would remove the nails himself...But after the slay, its as if web simply forgot about slaying and continued on his way or he wanted to slay him with no intentions of doing anything.


Video #2 -Incident : Webflashing decides to take matters into his own hands because I guess he knows that bad cading isn't against the rules because... Why would you punish someone for being new to a game mode whose still learning whats good whats bad? Anywho... as you can see, the cadings ok ish :/ Just not many shooting holes on the left side but ehh... thats what happens often when new people cade. Anywho... Continuing on! Webflashing decides to take matters into his own hands, He does this via changing his name to (someone) and for those who use ulx commands via console... it will say (Someone) slayed you instead of the staff himself. Carrying on. Im assuming he does not know how to do this so he changes his name to (Someone) and slays me trying to hide his cover. Considering hes changing his name as a precaution to protecting himself from his actions... He knows what he was doing.


Video #3 -Incident :So...this situation...Forgive me but it cuts before the slaying (Didnt know web would go this far) This is the next map after video #2 Incident, Notice how Im cading, My stuffs being unnailed, I do a @report to web since hes the only staff online...Little did I know I became zombie soon after due to close spawn selection. Whats interesting here is webflashing did not know I was selected as a zombie, Out of no where, No warning considering what warning can you give either way, Web slays me assuming that I am still human (Im a zombie though). Sorry if it doesnt show the slaying but... heres a screenshot of the incident itself http://gyazo.com/c51...42ace47dcb7de77 I will also attach the screenshots incase. Anywho... Continuing on notice how in the screenshot he justifys himself with "His actions in his previous life effected his other life" as in video #2 cading after being slayed secretly, He slays me on this map because video #2's cading somehow effected me that I am to be slayed on this map also? Basically I caded bad on a previous map, I'm slayed on that map, next map Im slayed on this map as a punishment also.


Video #4 Incident : Ok... So Let me clarify that there were 2 admins on at the time, Smitty and Web Flashing (Smitty is a brand new admin so excuse him for his actions for not intervening since... He doesn't quite know what to do I guess) On the other hand, Webflashing is not a new admin and should have by then after who knows how many vote kicks to intervene and stop the unnecessary and random vote-kicks. Continueing on... Notice how I am trying to help the cading, 1st time I nailed I made a mistake by placing it in front of the turret, I unnailed it and typed "sorry" I then moved the prop to the top instead so it wouldnt block the turret, Eventually I think on the 5th votekick I end up getting kicked due to no intervention by staff. (web is still not intervening, hes just going with it considering they are random votekicks, as a admin your suppose to enforce the rules. Not "turn the other way")


Video #5 Incident :I come back after the votekicking, throughout the video, Webs justification of not intervening is "if the votekicks are not random, you wouldnt have been kicked" I wasnt kicked for 4 times seriously? Due to his actions for not intervening thats all he can come up with? Shouldnt he be saying "Enough with the votekicks, Anyone else who initates a vote kick will face administrative action such as kick/ban etc etc" After that he simply says "Maybe this is better for you" and mutes me. What gives him the right to "turn the other way" when as a admin, you are suppose to treat everyone equally even if you hate them or they break rules. What gives him the right to mute me for explaining his actions are wrong? Again I already talked to smitty because hes a new admin and after I showed him the videos he LEARNED from his mistakes. Anywho... Again what gives him the rights to mute...


Video #6 Incident : So...Next map, Notice how my cading has IMPROVED not the best but its improved compared to video #2, Any who... Notice How I am random vote-kicked already for cading, Again ignore smitty because I already talked to him personally about it. If you notice the vote-kick, Notice is is indeed a random vote-kick considering what exactly is wrong with my cading...If you notice in the chat box also, you can see web saying "1" In Hg Zs, when there are vote-kicks, saying 1 is a reference to saying "PRESS 1 everyone!" considering its a random vote-kick, Why exactly is the is web-flashing, as a admin encouraging random vote-kicking? CONSIDERING my cading is not bad but its not good, He doesn't even see the cading he just says 1 as in "I don't like this kid, I might as well vote-kick him, random or not" What exactly... gives him the right to do this? Now imagine if some other new person played... I'm sure that person would have quit already due to his actions. After all he slayed rigby already for no apparent reason.




I dont know if I appear insulting or raging or not :/ If I did sorry. Hopefully it isnt.





Edited by SuBz3r0
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1. Percy the niro or your alt account is not a new user in the server, people knows who you are and i dont need to show you the basics of the server, if i slayed you multiple times is because you were purposely nailing props into a corner uselessly to piss off people, someone told you to not do that and then proceed to unnail all your props into the corner, you still kept doing that, thats what you get.


2. People started making votekicks againts you for doing the same thing again, told you to remove your nails cause we were using them and you pick them off and then nailed into the corner AGAIN uselessly, at this point i slayed you, and you were also kicked because of the votekick someone started.


3. The votekicks againts you werent random, you were warned previously to dont do the same shit again, and people is the one who decided to kick you as it was a vote for all the server, and i did not even started a votekick against you.


4. You were once again slayed on zs_insurance for doing the same, you started saying things like "These admins dont do shit" and "fuck you all", you then started complaining about the votekicks agains you, smitty told you to not say those words, and you keep saying them, thats why i muted you.


5. I changed my name to (Someone) so people wouldnt complain to me about your minging, i spectate on you, i saw you breaking props and blocking the way of shooting, and even made a "scarecrow" made out of props from the map, no big deal, told you to stop and unnail the props that were blocking the way of shooting, you ignore my warnings


6. When the map started, you were breaking props on purpose, and nailing all the props you see randomly, Moxxi starts a votekick against you for random nailing, minging and shitcading (Shitcading is not a reason, but from what i see, you werent shitcading, so i ignored the votekick)


When i was about to slay you, you got choosen as a zombie volunteer, and slayed you when you were already on the opposite team, please forgive me, but like i said other times when you were playing on the server, dont piss off people purposely by nailing almost every prop you see into a single prop and you wont get punished


Another player on the server named "Cpt English" starts cading in the map, you AKA Percy the niro screw all the props in there, he starts a votekick with a valid reason against you: (Minging)


-You got kicked from server-


You rejoin as phoogie and then kick Cpt English for "Random votekicks", the real reason of why you kicked him was because he started a succesfull votekick against you, and once again like i said in the server: If the votekick was random, you wouldnt even be kicked in first place.


But if you want to kick and ban people for something that you started (Its against the rules for the admins) then go ahead, someone from leadership might catch you abusing, its your doing not mine.

Edited by Webflashing
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1. Percy the niro or your alt account is not a new user in the server, people knows who you are and i dont need to show you the basics of the server, if i slayed you multiple times is because you were purposely nailing props into a corner uselessly to piss off people, someone told you to not do that and then proceed to unnail all your props into the corner, you still kept doing that, thats what you get.


2. People started making votekicks againts you for doing the same thing again, told you to remove your nails cause we were using them and you pick them off and then nailed into the corner AGAIN uselessly, at this point i slayed you, and you were also kicked because of the votekick someone started.


3. The votekicks againts you werent random, you were warned previously to dont do the same shit again, and people is the one who decided to kick you as it was a vote for all the server, and i did not even started a votekick against you.


4. You were once again slayed on zs_insurance for doing the same, you started saying things like "These admins dont do shit" and "fuck you all", you then started complaining about the votekicks agains you, smitty told you to not say those words, and you keep saying them, thats why i muted you.


5. I changed my name to (Someone) so people wouldnt complain to me about your minging, i spectate on you, i saw you breaking props and blocking the way of shooting, and even made a "scarecrow" made out of props from the map, no big deal, told you to stop and unnail the props that were blocking the way of shooting, you ignore my warnings


6. When the map started, you were breaking props on purpose, and nailing all the props you see randomly, Moxxi starts a votekick against you for random nailing, minging and shitcading (Shitcading is not a reason, but from what i see, you werent shitcading, so i ignored the votekick)


When i was about to slay you, you got choosen as a zombie volunteer, and slayed you when you were already on the opposite team, please forgive me, but like i said other times when you were playing on the server, dont piss off people purposely by nailing almost every prop you see into a single prop and you wont get punished


Another player on the server named "Cpt English" starts cading in the map, you AKA Percy the niro screw all the props in there, he starts a votekick with a valid reason against you: (Minging)


-You got kicked from server-


You rejoin as phoogie and then kick Cpt English for "Random votekicks", the real reason of why you kicked him was because he started a succesfull votekick against you, and once again like i said in the server: If the votekick was random, you wouldnt even be kicked in first place.


But if you want to kick and ban people for something that you started (Its against the rules for the admins) then go ahead, someone from leadership might catch you abusing, its your doing not mine.


-Web you didnt know who percy de niro was until later, So why do you attempt to justify yourself like this? There was a trusted admin ingame with me prior to people learning who I am.


-Where exactly is this so called nailing in the corner?


-Scarecrow? Thats not even my scarecrow, Not to insulting but Im sure I recorded something somewhere where someone else was building this, Are you really going to accuse me of that? I have evidence for this too and I will upload it to prove this is a lie.


-Breaking props? Look closely, I recorded the moment I joined, Am I breaking props? At the map on alex g motel, Am I really... breaking props? Im nailing the table down, I guess thats considered "breaking props" Again Im not attempting to be disrespectful, But in the video it does not show anywhere that I am insulting or breaking props.


-Cpt english, I talked with cpt prior to this incident because he told me that people were telling that he was "minging" and he simply made a votekick without proof, I even had evidence on this incident to prove it is a lie.


-You claim to be spectating me... and that I am nailing props in the room to the ground, BUT LOOK! its Moxxi who is doing that... You claim that Im breaking props, But look! No breaking props, You even claim that scarecrow in the video is mine. Really?. Again a random votekick is a random votekick, one person made it, the mass decides but people already know that when the mass is given a option like this... troubles arise, thats why Voteban was removed because it was heavily abused. A random votekick is a random votekick, its your job to enforce the rules. You also claim I supposedly said "admins dont do shit, fuck u all" but if you look in the video, I said no such thing.




Video #1









Video #2



1)You claim I nail stuff in the corner... Look in both of the videos, I never nailed anything in the corner, So why the accusation?


2)You claim I insulted admins on zs_insurance by saying "Fuck you all, Or Admins dont do shit" But I refer you to video #1, I never said anything even close to what you claim I said.


3)You claim I was slayed in zs_insurance, but Im a human... not a zombie so no slay ever happened that you somehow mention, Again I refer you to video #1


4) You claim I was breaking props in the map zs_alexgmotel, I refer you to video #1


5) You claim I was nailing props to the ground in zs_alexgmotel, Again I refer you to video #1


6)You claim shitcading is not a reason for votekick, thus you are saying it is a random votekick, But I refer you to video #1, you slayed me for "shit cading" and you also slayed rigby also for "shit cading". Your ignoring a random kick then?


7) You claim on zs_alexgmotel I was nailing every prop I see to the ground, I refer you to video #1 and screenshot http://gyazo.com/c51...42ace47dcb7de77 your justification for that slaying does not make sense.


8)You claim I make a scarecrow with random props on zs_lockup No biggie? I refer you to video #2 that shows I did not make that. Right....


9)You claim I was breaking props on zs_lockup, I refer you to video #2, Starting from the beginning I broke no prop so...yeah considering your spectating me, you also saw what Im seeing in the video then.


10) You claim Im blocking the way of a shooting but people are cading inside, and outside of the doorway. I refer to video #2


11) You claim that cpt. Englishs votekick was "valid", I refer you to video #2 showing that I made a well made cade (V cade as we call it) is one of the finest cades you can make. How exactly am I trolling by making a great cade? I talked with cpt and he told me he thought I was because people said it. No proof. Just a votekick based on hype.


12) You claim random votekicks won't kick me, I refer you to video #2.

Edited by SuBz3r0
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Some people like moxxi nails the props down so no one destroys them while they are cading, you were nailing them to the ground with no reason, at first i thought you were actually cading, but then i realize you were not cading.


I thought it was your "scarecrow" cause i saw your nails on it, or most of them


And you did not record the time you were breaking props on another map, and the same for other things.


And i dont ban people for starting a succesful votekick against me, you banned moxxi because she started a votekick with a valid reason against you, and it was succesful


You join the server, again, raging about the votekick and asking anyone on the server who started the votekick, after you find out moxxi did, you just ban her because of your own rage, and someone on the server stated that he did took a demo of you delaying the game by going out of the map, and i can also say you used your powers to get out of the map, since there was no way to "jump" that fence on the map.


I know cpt english very well, he does not starts a votekick with no proof or invalid reason, also, you cant kick/ban other people for a problem that you started, its againt the admin rules.

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With the proof provided there is not enough to take any serious actions. Please provide demos so that we are able to get good perspective instead of only yours. I will talk to web just to make sure he is doing it all right. Thank you for the concern.

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