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not abuse Who The Hell Is This Kid I Don't Even


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1. Abuser name: 3V0Lu710N

2. Their Steam Id: 1:30842083

3. What server:

4. About what time: 2013-06-24 02:35 PM

5. PROOF: http://hellsgamers.c...42455-scootaloo

6. Please tell us about the incident


You were on top of the map, thus there was no wall infront of you wich you were using to shoot players


Bullshit. You can't shoot through the floor or the ceiling. Until the RTD feature is turned on this is NOT A MAP EXPLICIT.


while they couldn't kill you or damage you at al


They can kill me easily using pyro's flamethrower, heavy's minigun, scout's wrap assassin/ sandman and flying guillotine, toxic, noclip.


using toxic near spawn is allowed because it has a range


Oh, now it's not a map bug when you can kill ~40 players only by running near the spawn, because spawn points for players are too close to the wall? Interesting.


Im going to reduce the ban since it's your first offense, if i catch you again it wont be as easy


first ban duration: 1 hour, now it's 2 hours. I see it's really hard to manage some forum tools


if i catch you again it wont be as easy


You're too edgy for me, respect from bismuth srsly.



Thread locked. It looks like a teenager gets an admin/janitor account and now he shows who got big boy pants on and everything. There is something like chat on the server. You can use it to talk to other people and, for exaple, say them "I'm an admin and I don't like what you're doing, please stop". Of course this kid doesn't know what is it and he choose better way to show who is da boss here, acting like retarded and shooting bans because "I ARE THE ADMINS HERE RESPECT ME". Furthermore, please first read about using admin commands and your privileges.

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Bullshit. You can't shoot through the floor or the ceiling. Until the RTD feature is turned on this is NOT A MAP EXPLICIT.


You were on top of RED spawn, shooting people and killing them, i tried to shoot you from outside but i couldn't, players were complaining that you were "hacking or glitching" so i took action, you didn't roll anything because if you rolled noclip you would be flying and when it expires it would teleport you back inside the map if you were outside


They can kill me easily using pyro's flamethrower, heavy's minigun, scout's wrap assassin/ sandman and flying guillotine, toxic, noclip.


Tried killing you, didn't work, as i see it your intention was to stay there and get lots of kills in an unfair way.


Oh, now it's not a map bug when you can kill ~40 players only by running near the spawn, because spawn points for players are too close to the wall? Interesting.


It's a feature of roll the dice, it lasts 20 seconds and you can kill the person that has it.


first ban duration: 1 hour, now it's 2 hours. I see it's really hard to manage some forum tools



Ban duration was 1 day, then after your complaint i reduced it to 2 hours and yet you still aren't happy



Rest is up to dL+

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if you rolled noclip you would be flying and when it expires it would teleport you back inside the map if you were outside


And now I see your problem. You don't know how noclip works here.


Tried killing you, didn't work, as i see it your intention was to stay there and get lots of kills in an unfair way.


Listen. I'm not a coach here to teach players how to kill other players. Many players killed me many times, it's not my problem if you don't know how to kill me. Also my intention wasn't to get lots of kills, as you said, but only to piss off as many players as I can. In server rules I see nothing about pissing people off.


It's a feature of roll the dice, it lasts 20 seconds and you can kill the person that has it.


No shit!


Ban duration was 1 day


Don't think so.

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And now I see your problem. You don't know how noclip works here.


Noclip lasts 20 seconds, when i recorded the demo it was over, so there was no reason for you to be there.


Listen. I'm not a coach here to teach players how to kill other players. Many players killed me many times, it's not my problem if you don't know how to kill me. Also my intention wasn't to get lots of kills, as you said, but only to piss off as many players as I can. In server rules I see nothing about pissing people off.


Yes first you give me advice about how this doesnt help me "invite more players" and now you tell me your intention was to piss off as many as you can...not sure if trolling or what


No shit!


First you say it's a bug and now what? i dont see how its a bug or a glitch


Don't think so.




My last response to this thread.

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Noclip lasts 20 seconds, when i recorded the demo it was over, so there was no reason for you to be there.


OK, as a regular user and player I'll teach you how your map works, Mr. Admin: When noclip lasts after 20 second, you don't teleport to your base. You can run,shoot piss and puke wherever you can, only if you are not stuck in a part of wall, floor etc. So there is a reason for me and many players to run, shoot, piss, puke, buid teleports and sentrys on top of the map, in BLU spawn, in the nether.

This is how noclip works here and it's. not. a. map. explicit.


Yes first you give me advice about how this doesnt help me "invite more players" and now you tell me your intention was to piss off as many as you can...not sure if trolling or what


It's simple and it is sad that you don't understand it. I'm not the admin. This is not my role. You're the admin here. Banning people because they are annoying isn't the best example of admin's job. And it's your problem, not mine.


First you say it's a bug and now what? i dont see how its a bug or a glitch


I understand that irony is not good visible in text. There is an irony.


Also, it was 3600 seconds. I don't have screenshots and I don't know if it was a site bug- whatever, I don't give a shit now.

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  • Do not glitch or exploit the map.


Hi there, please read the rules next time.


Now here's me being professional. DON'T FUCKING EXPLOIT THE MAP!!!!!!!!!!!! You're lucky evolution didn't permanently ban you because if I saw you doing that shit, you would be gone for good. The rtd plugin is there for your amusement along with the jetpack plugin. It's there for FUN. Yet you guys find exploits and glitches and don't even bother reading the rules when joining a server.


So guess what, this isn't admin abuse when one of my advisors is doing his job. So kindly fuck off and stop antagonizing evolution.

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Looks here like Evolution is doing his job and someone doesn't like that he can't abuse his favorite spot anymore. In the future treat our staff with some dignity and respect, because the next time I see pullling this shit your ban will be a lot longer than 2 hours.

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