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Permabanned On Perp


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So I'm running around in the middle of the street, someone kills me. Of course its a warring org. Prior to the demo I posted, me and this guy were going at it and talking shit to eachother.


But seeing as how the demo only makes me look like I disrespected him, I get perma banned? That seems a little unfair.


When him, Meek, and his whole org on a daily basis talk shit in game to myself and Solstice, nothing is done about that. But you catch me talking shit one time on a demo that I POSTED, intended to incriminate them for something they did unfairly to me, and you end banning me? Like cmon now.


Yeah I was talking shit, but really who doesn't talk smack to someone youre fighting against? If its really against the rules so much that it allows you to be PERMABANNED, then okay I'll stop.


I wasn't even warned or anything.


SteamID: 0:64009852

SteamName: Samsta

Person Who Banned Me: SuperSkreech

Reason: Disrespecting a recruit


Theres a demo


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sorry but talking shit about a person that has passed is not just shit talking. you could of stopped when he said he passed but the fact that you continued is just dumb, your disrespect went too far on this one you will not be unbanned.

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It is as you said, it was dumb on my part. But when he sat there and said that his dad had more balls than my entire family, why is that not considered in the same way?


I have people that passed away in my family.


So for him to say that his dad alone has more balls than my entire family, thats disrespect just as much as I disrespected him.

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