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approved Xtco Friendly Challenge Starcraft 2 Hots


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1. What clan or organization do you represent?


I represent Xt community for starcraft II Heart of the swarm. We are a NA based group.



2. Who will be your person of contact?


I'll be the person of contact or xtco-Soap.

[xtco]Noctis friend code: 711

you can also contact me via email: [email protected]


3. What game do you want to challenge us in?


Starcraft II Hots



4. When would you like to schedule the event?


I'd like to schedule for Sunday, July 28th at 9:00 PM Eastern standard time.



5. Anything you would like to tell us about your clan/organization?

Our website and much information can be found at: http://www.xtraterrestrials.us/


Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon.

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