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Eador: Masters Of The Broken World - Update


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Patch 1.1.3 notes (July 23)



— New interface element: if during the current turn player constructs a building, hires a guard or performs a ritual, an additional icon for his action will be displayed on respective interface buttons.

— Added new skills:

    o Petrification Immunity — available for Gargoyle, Ghost and Golem from the start; can be acquired by Gnome.

    o Entanglement Immunity — available for Ghost, Dragon and Phoenix from the start; can be acquired by Halfling.

    o Aura of Healing — used to replenish a few HP for friendly units in nearby hexes. Available for Paladin from the start. Can be acquired by Unicorn, Dryad and Treant.

— Improved process of receiving quests from Crystals, they are more randomized now.

— Improved process of hiring guards to enemys base province in the campaign. Their power is now scaled to your progress.

— Almost all Close buttons now have the same look.

— Added tooltip for Close button in all windows that can be opened on the strategic map through hero's circular menu.

— Unit informations window has been reworked.

— Added option to create private games and choose which player to fight with in multiplayer.

— Reduced game difficulty for the first three difficulty levels.

— Increased initial income for the first three difficulty levels.

— Added tooltip for battle result chances on the third difficulty level.

— During a siege of an outpost or a fort there is now a wooden wall and palisade on the tactical map.



— Province information in dead and desert lands now doesnt show an icon of a race that possesses the province.

— A bug that caused heros army to lose a unit without reason after the death of an enemy unit under effect of Enslaved spell.

— A bug that caused hero to become a Slug, Ogre or any other unit after using Enslaved spell.

— AIs ability to hire guards in a besieged province.

— Missing tooltip for the first building in a queue in the planned constructions window.

— Buildings tooltips displaying already constructed buildings on the astral map.

— Resurrection spell not working if a unit that can use it is killed last in a battle.

— A bug that caused the fight to end with a draw if a hero died last and in the Dragon Form, leaving the hero itself alive.

— A bug that let a hero use the Double Shot skill, come close to enemy and shoot dealing double damage. Now heroes can shoot only if they didnt make a move during their turn. If a move is made the skill is deactivated.

— A bug that caused the game to start a tactical battle with auto-battle - always setting turned on.

— Incorrect priorities for Healer AIs behavior.

— Buildings that give access to pact with guard could show incorrect number of the pacts.

— Units with an all-round attack could counter-attack using this ability. Now all activated unit abilities will be nullified when a turn ends.

— AI getting fewer buildings in the Astral thus falling behind in development on the later stages of the campaign.

— Heroes could get an increase in two basic characteristics instead of one during province exploration.

— A hero under effect of Dragon Form and Polymorph spells didnt have access to his spellbook.

— Players could make a bet on the arena even with no gold left.

— Game freeze caused by an enemy attacking players hero thats besieging a province.

— A bug that caused inability to refuse from a quest given to a hero.

— A bug that caused allied Masters to send peace offers after every turn.

— A bug that let player end diplomatic relations and then send diplomatic offer to Masters in the same turn.

— AI sometimes missing units taken to the army from the garrison.

— Unavailable Library button in a situation when two heroes are exchanging items in a province with Library.

— Inability to look at the detailed items information in a neutral shop and its incorrect price in the tooltip.

— Bugs that caused generation of square lakes on the tactical map.

— Incorrect display of income change in the dialog window for Dionium burning event.

— A bug that caused the army to consist of trolls instead of skeletons in the event The dead have risen from their graves…

— A bug that let player equip Healers Staff together with normal ranged weapon thus increasing all weapons characteristics.

— A bug that caused generation of multiple resources in some provinces.

— A bug that let player equip a two-handled weapon and a shield during a fight.

— Icon for the merchant districts building in the city screen.

— AI attacking players capital without siege.

— Incorrect difficulty modifiers calculation for gold and gems received after a fight.

— A bug that let AI summon skeletons and zombies in dead land provinces during auto-battle.

— Color palette for resources area on the bottom panel of the strategic map.

— Visual errors of the standard tooltips display.

— AI sometimes buying the same primitive items.

— AI constructing buildings in a province that improve the ones it already has.

— Bonuses for mixed skill sets of Commander not working properly (fixed once and for all).

— Tooltip for the building queue in the tutorial.

— AIs ability so send a player a message when it had already received one from him (exception for war declarations).

— Rain of Brimstone ritual not being effective against garrisons.

— Deadly Terror ritual not working properly.

— Polymorph spell bug that happened when the spell was used on the last enemy unit. The unit didnt die in the end and his army remained on the strategic map.

— Display of buildings received upon victory on your own shard after other Masters attack.

— Damage amount dealt by Mass Suicide spell.

— Finding empty caches.

— A few bugs with medals received by units in battles.

— Display bug of You have no access to this resource tooltip.

— Sometimes missing dialog for attack on a neutral province.

— Hills sometimes looking like plain terrain on the tactical map.

— Start battle button not working during troop deployment on the arena.

— A bug in the tooltip for a units medal on the tactical map.

— Game freeze caused by attack on the brigands province.

— Inability to siege an enemy capital if it's under effect of Deadly Terror ritual.

— A few animation bugs of damage numbers on the tactical map.

— Text scaling in the item informations window.

— Ability to buy the same item multiple times having only enough gold for one such item.

— Mouse scroll for chat and player list in multiplayer.

— Incorrect processing of Escape button when closing a confirmation window.


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