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reviewed Thederpyguy Abuse


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1. Abuser name: -hg- The Derpy Guy


2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_1:0:40005816


3. What server: HellsGamers Jailbreak CS:GO


4. About what time: Wednesday, July 24th, 4:03 PM PDT


5. PROOF: Demo Attached. Start from Tick 33000.


6. Please tell us about the incident:

  • Warden is playing Pokemon with the Terrorists
  • Poké-Master on Terrorists chooses "9Lives the Sloth" and "NachoMan #WolfPack"
  • "9Lives the Sloth" goes out to fight, "NachoMan #WolfPack" stays inside Big Cage (presumably AFK)
  • I kill "NachoMan #WolfPack" after 13 seconds of delay (8:45 - 8:58)
  • I get slayed by -hg- The Derpy Guy @ 9:09

This could have been avoided had he simply PM'd me and asked why I killed him. He gave no further response as to my defense that "NachoMan #WolfPack" was delaying.


DropBox Link (website uploader was not working): https://www.dropbox..../derpyabuse.dem

Edited by Mezzanine
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He had plently of time to go out, he was actually timing out, no reason you should have been slayed.

Waiting to see what he has to say.

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did i not say sorry for the slay the only reason i didnt slay myself is for the disrespect he gave to me. This doesn't deserve a ban over so people make mistakes but i said sorry how many times have i gave you chances yea tons. i surprised the kid is not tlisted already to be honest he free kills all the freaking time !!

Edited by TheDerpyGuy
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Next time just make sure that they actually deserved a slay before doing it.

As for the disrespect and freekilling from mez, you are an admin so you can just gag/tlock/tlist when necessarry.

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