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Un-Ban Request (Mini-Game Server)


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1. Your in-game name: Marzocchi |Norco|


2. Server that you were banned on: Hells Minigames Server


3. The Banning admin: HG | Artillary -[Warpath]-


4. Your Steam-Id STEAM_0:1:12877754


5. Reason for ban: First off I know what I did was wrong I am sorry for my actions but I don't feel as if I deserved a permanent


ban. I was banned while playing on "Tron" I copied what other T's had been doing which was jumping over


the glass barrier and entering maps through the CT spawn. I admit to doing this for 3 or 4 rounds before I was


was banned by an admin who gave no warning. Lastly I would like to say I am sorry for what I did and don't


feel as if I should be perma-banned considering I have no previous offenses and was an idiot to copy others.

Edited by Moto
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Marzocchi. First of all, you started it and I asked you several times to stop doing that, but you wouldn't listen to me. Also Artillary wrote in admin chat that everyone should stop go into other minigames/go to ct spawn. Also, you did it more than twice times.


Read thread. http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9109

Edited by Red and Dead
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I saw one other T doing it before myself whom I copied. I guess I didn't see HG | Artillary's warning which is my fault. I feel as if I deserve a second chance considering I have no previous bans or offenses. I promise never to abuse / exploit any of the maps again.

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