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Different Audio Output Device For Games


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Ok, so I have searched, and searched for this with no solution once so ever, but I would think that this would be a possibility.


I am looking for a third party program and/or a setting in windows 7 that will allow me use my headphones for CS:GO and other steam games that dont have the option to select the audio output device like other games do.


The reason why would want this as an option is because I have my HDMI cable connected to the TV so the wife can watch her TV show's , and I want to play games with sound.


BTW I know in the windows audio settings (speaker on start bar) I have my headphones setup as communication, but thats it. If this doesn't make quite sense or need more information please let me know as this issue I have been working on for almost a week already and cant quite figure it out.

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Pretty sure unless the program has the setting in it to change the output like teamspeak, you can't do it unless you have an external sound card. I remember trying to find an answer to this before but never could.

Edited by youthedog
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yeah, I think there is a 3rd party program that does a virtual sound card kinda like how daemon tools does virtual drives


Enigma: I thought the first program would work, but it doesn't :(



Does my request make sense to people?

Edited by skoty
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