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Could This Be The Hellsgamers Community Trailer?


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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOekjniXCc8&list=TL22ziEFmvjgI Watch in full screen to see it-------------------EDIT-------------------------I will make changes according to the ideas that you guys gave me. If you want to be in it then message. I will use camtasia studio because movie maker is a little crap. Can someone make some better pictures for the trailer. My email is [email protected]. Edited by BobscaTheBob
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Fine, I'll expand on my previous statement. The images are poorly done, the music is lazily put over it, the camera movement is too jittery and one scene takes way too long. If this were to represent this community then we would come off as a bunch of kids that just started to mess around with windows movie maker.


Try collaborating with other people and get clips from them, get the images from the graphics team and at least attempt to sync up music with the clips being played. Oh, and don't use the first image, get someone to create a new one that one is way too overused.


Keep at it though, you started on the path, I'm merely being honest.

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