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reviewed Ch1Mich4N64-M4N Slap Abuse


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1. Abuser name:CH1MICH4N64-M4N

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_1:1:50251810

3. What server:CSGO Jailbreak

4. About what time: 7:30pm Eastern


http://i.imgur.com/x35XDPx.jpg Is the first slapping, warned to not do that again

http://i.imgur.com/ipZs0Rh.jpg Warned again to not do that and if I saw it again would make an abuse report

http://i.imgur.com/tJBQ5Ev.jpg A friend was on his account? Knows admin commands?

http://i.imgur.com/zDBqiFY.jpg Dced but came back shortly after

http://i.imgur.com/WYLksKc.jpg Slaped again even after the warnings about the abuse report and failed to unbind the slap button.


6. Please tell us about the incident

Started when I gave an order for all t's to crouch to the undercarrage of cell stairs when we all started getting slapped. Warned to not do that again, Later on again we were all slapped again, I mentioned if that continued that I would make an abuse report. A round later we find out that a friend of chimichanga man was on his account. A round or two later we all get slapped again after many warnings.

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Your account, your responsibility.


And the only time you should slap all players is when lead is doing a pirate day.


If your friend plays on your account a lot, I suggest unbinding that key to prevent this happening again in the future.



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