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Barricading 101


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Alright, so barricading is something in Zombie Survival that is key to survival. Failure to barricade will result in human failure. But lately, I've seen an increase in idiotic attempts to barricade, or more commonly known as 'shitcading' on the HG ZS server. So: Here is my guide to a good cade(barricade).


What is a cade?

A cade is a group of objects or items designed to prevent an enemy from getting inside the area. In ZS, players uses carpenter hammers to cade, by right clicking on a move-able prop and placing a nail, when the player looks at the nail(or holds shift), they will be able to see the health of that prop alone, and are also able to view the health of over props. When the green meter in the health GUI decreases, that means it's losing integrity. Players can repair it by left clicking with a carpenters hammer. When the green meter has depleted completely, that means that the prop itself is about to break. When the red meter above the green meter increases, that means that the maximum prop integrity is decreasing. When the red meter has filled completely, that means that the prop is unable to be repaired anymore. You can remove a nail by pressing R over the nail, but removing other player's nails withing a good reason will get you slayed/kicked. Moving on.


Cading Tools/Equipment:

  • Carpenter's Hammer: The Carpenter's Hammer is the number one ultimate first priority cading tool. Players can create barricades with this tool by right clicking a move-able prop and placing a nail. Players can repair the prop by left clicking with the tool, and they can remove nails from props by pressing R over the nail. It costs 45 points in the worth menu and 50 points in the point shop menu
  • Aegis Barricade Kit: The Aegis is a tool that is able to save the player's barricade at the last minute. By left clicking with the tool in hand, the player is able to place long wooden planks that can serve as part of the cade. Players can rotate the plank's position by right clicking or pressing R. It costs 125 points in the point shop menu.
  • Junk Pack: The Junk Pack is a very helpful tool in ZS. The Junk Pack allows the player to place a maximum of three random props for everyone to barricade with. This is useful in general with just about any cade, but it's more useful in maps that have very few/no props, like virusinsidejoe. It costs 45 points in the worth menu.
  • Message Beacon: The message beacon is able to notify other players where to cade/avoid/help/etc. By left clicking the player can place down a message that says messages like "Meet up here!" or "Plan B here!". They can customize which message to put for their message beacon by right clicking. It costs 10 points in the worth menu.


The three priorities for cading:


1. You must be able to shoot out of the barricade.

2. You must be able to repair the barricade.

3. The barricade should cover at least 75-90% of the doorway/place to cade.


Good/Bad Cades:


Amazing Cades:

  • Meets all three criteria priorities
  • Meets most aspects of an amazing cade
  • Totally *headcrab proof
  • Covers 95% of the doorway/place to cade
  • Meets all aspects of a good cade
  • Will last 4-6 rounds if it's a primary cade
  • Will last 2-3 rounds if it's a secondary/tertiary cade
  • Will last 1-2 rounds if it's a final cade

Good Cades:

  • Meets most criteria priorities
  • Meets most aspects of a good cade
  • Headcrab proof
  • Doesn't involve a lot of props
  • Zombies will not be able to directly attack the player through the shooting hole
  • Miscellaneous props cannot get in via the shade
  • Props are not nailed to each other
  • Will last 3-4 rounds if it's a primary cade
  • Will last 1-2 rounds if it's a secondary/tertiary cade
  • Will last 1 round if it's a final cade

Bad Cades:

  • Does not meet most criteria priorities
  • Meets no aspects of a good cade
  • Headcrabs can get it
  • A small pile of props
  • 10-50% of the props are nailed to each other
  • 25-50% of the props cannot be reached by hammer
  • Will last 1-2 rounds if it's a primary cade
  • Will last 1 round if it's a secondary/tertiary cade
  • Will last less than half a round if it's a final cade

​Terrible Cades:

  • Does not meet all three criteria priorities
  • Meets no aspects of a good cade
  • Zombies can get in
  • A large pile of props
  • No space to even walk
  • Absolutely no space to shoot
  • Zombies can damage the barricade without being shot at
  • 75-90% of the props are nailed to each other
  • 80-100% of the props cannot be reached by hammer
  • Will last 1 round if it's a primary cade
  • Will last less than half a round if it's a secondary/tertiary cade
  • Will last less than a quarter round if it's a final cade

*By headcrab proof I mean not even poison balls from poison headcrabs can't get in.


Facts to know:

  • If poison (balls/puke) are able to get in, that does not mean it's a bad barricade.
  • Bad/terrible cades are often referred to as 'shitcades'.
  • Randomly unnailing is referred to as minging, which will get you slayed/kicked.
  • If you're in a bad/terrible cade, try to find other barricades even if they have less people
  • You can ghost through barricades by holding down suit zoom(default is Z). This allows you to retreat to another barricade, or to escape the current one to gain some loot that's sitting out in the wide open.

Good Cade Styles:


V Cade:

  • A V Cade is a barricade that mainly involves 2 large rectangular objects(Soda machines, File cabinets, etc.), being rotated about 45-60 degrees into the shape of a V. This is a good cade because it has a hole to shoot out of, it blocks most of the doorway, and it's able to be repaired.

U Cade

  • A U cade(while rather rare on the server) is a barricade that mainly involves 3 large rectangular objects(Soda machines, File cabinets, etc.), beind rotated 90-180 degrees into the shape of a U. It's rather uncommon on ZS because Fast Zombies will be able to jump through the uncovered hole in the cade, while in a V cade only headcrabs can get through.

Fallback warnings:

Zombies are able to break through barricades right behind your back, especially as the rounds progress, so here are some tips to know when to fallback.


When the secondary props reach maximum integrity(small props that prevent headcrabs like boxes, planks, etc.):

  • Green health: Don't panic
  • Yellow health: Remain calm
  • Red health: Relax
  • Prop breaks: Notify others

When the primary props reach maximum integrity(large props that are primarily used to prevent the zombies like soda machines, file cabinets, etc.):

  • Green health: Notify others through team chat
  • Yellow health: Begin to pack arsenals, resupplies, etc.
  • Red health: Notify everyone to fallback
  • Prop breaks: Retreat to next barricade

*If in the scenario that all the props for the barricade are nailed together, follow the tips for the primary props


So there you have it, my guide on how to properly barricade in ZS. Feel free to criticize, suggest, or correct any parts of this guide.

Edited by ReaperRaptor
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