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Why Do You Play Perp?


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I play it still because it's where I've been for the past 3 years and want to keep meeting new people and educating new players on how to play.

Alongside with basing with friends and having a good time. People need to stop the org drama and just have fun for a change instead of breaking friendships for it.

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I play purely for the other people who play, to hang out with em or to help em.


Anytime I ain't doing that I'm in spectate making sure everyone else's Perp experience is the best I can possibly make it by weeding out the trolls and the rule breakers. We try our best. It does get annoying when you wake up early on Saturday, get one perp when there are 13 people on w/ no admins and spend the next 6 hours watching people. Then this stuck up brat tells me that I'm a badmin etc. I'm like "Bro, I just spent the last 6 hours trying to give you a good time, and this is what you got?"

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i enjoy calling smitty a fatty


I play cuz xiao has a xiao jiji. Well that and the fact that its like a soap opera, so much drama daily. Ppl whining cuz they get killed, or the cops/medics/firemen/mayor arent doing their jobs the way they think the person should. Org drama, player rivalries, trust raiders, thieves, you name it, PERP has it. Theres never a dull moment.


Ive gotten to the point where i have all the cars/money i need to be happy. So i basically wander around and watch ppl do stupid things, or see them do some pretty amazing things too. I raid, cuz i get bored, or i grow a little here and there to cover my expenses (gas/guns/ammo).


But i mainly play to joke around with the friends ive made, like the fat kid xiao <3 .

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Ppl whining cuz they get killed, or the cops/medics/firemen/mayor arent doing their jobs the way they think the person should. Org drama, player rivalries, trust raiders, thieves, you name it, PERP has it. Theres never a dull moment.


This ^ God damn smitty, u said it. This is also a big part of why i play.

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I play cuz xiao has a xiao jiji. Well that and the fact that its like a soap opera, so much drama daily. Ppl whining cuz they get killed, or the cops/medics/firemen/mayor arent doing their jobs the way they think the person should. Org drama, player rivalries, trust raiders, thieves, you name it, PERP has it. Theres never a dull moment.


Ive gotten to the point where i have all the cars/money i need to be happy. So i basically wander around and watch ppl do stupid things, or see them do some pretty amazing things too. I raid, cuz i get bored, or i grow a little here and there to cover my expenses (gas/guns/ammo).


But i mainly play to joke around with the friends ive made, like the fat kid xiao <3 .

Old school got disbanded because the unnecessary org drama the org recived for no reason at all. Which makes me sad because it was a great org but mehh another day in perp.
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I was realllly into role-playing on other forums before joining the server, and although our PERP server itself is lite RP I enjoy the entertainment and experiences it gives each time I log on and play. I wouldn't say all the people in the community were worth the trouble, but I began growing a strong bond to the people I met and welllll...now I just mainly play so I can talk to them and everyone else. My computer's super horrible so I can't raid or anything, haha, but I hope to change that soon and feel the adrenaline of being able to fuck shit up!

Edited by DNJivasu
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