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I Am Thinking Of Getting Two Sli Graphics Cards Put In My Pc


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As you can probably tell by the title, I'm thinking of putting in two SLId graphics cards into my PC. But what do I need in my computer hardware wise to run this?


Let's say I get GCs that need a 400wPSU. Would I need a 400w PSU or an 800w PSU because I have two?

Would I need a higher end processor?

Would I need more RAM? (I have 16 GB of RAM)

More Memory?


ANy helpful response is greatly appreciated!



P.S. Totally irrelevant, how do I get like animations or pictures below my forum posts?

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Ok do you need to do a little research

First thing you need to do is figure out exactly what parts your pc has in it. Cpu, gpu, ram (you seem to know this) psu what wattage etc.

Another thing is monitor res and motherboard model and case size.

The most important thing you need to tell us is your budget. If your budget is below say 400$ then you should be sticking to one card. If your Mr. Scrooge Mcduck then we can talk about SLI and dual cards because then you will get some performance gains (need specs of pc first)

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I know these I just didn't know if I needed to mention them straight up

GPU:GT 630 from Nvidia which leads me to believe I have a 300 watt PSU

I have a 3.4 GHz 8 core i7 3770

my monitor Res can go up to 1920x1080 I believe, if that's what you mean.

My RAM is 16GB as mentioned above.

My motherboard model, I believe, is: ASUS Desktop PC CM6330_CM6630_CM6730_CM6830

If you mean case size as in a tape measure from the outside it is a 14.5"tallX7"wideX15.75"long

I HOPE my budget will be about $700 or so.

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The motherboards gonna be your only real limitation. The case size (interior) can be an issue also.

What do you want to gain from this? Higher fps i assume, but from what games? If you are using one monitor (not surround or anything) then two cards will be an over kill and a waste of your money.

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I don't think your mobo supports it.


Judging by the models: CM6330/CM6630/CM6730/6830: they all have a peak power of 350W. moreover, the motherboard has only 1 PCI-x16 (According to Asus' website).


You'd be better off upgrading to a more powerful card. However, the fact stands that your power supply is insufficiently powerful enough to warrent an upgrade to a more powerful card (if you're thinking along the lines of a 400$ video card).

Be aware that both AMD and nVidia both suffer from microstuttering issues with their dual graphics solutions. Although this is somewhat debatable as we usually have AMD and nVidia fanboys shooting shit at each other (so to speak and pardon my french).


Finally, your computer probably has a warrenty clause that should you change out parts.. it'll probably void the warrenty so be aware that is a possibility.

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Guest The_Monkey

I don't think your mobo supports it.


Judging by the models: CM6330/CM6630/CM6730/6830: they all have a peak power of 350W. moreover, the motherboard has only 1 PCI-x16 (According to Asus' website).


You'd be better off upgrading to a more powerful card. However, the fact stands that your power supply is insufficiently powerful enough to warrent an upgrade to a more powerful card (if you're thinking along the lines of a 400$ video card).

Be aware that both AMD and nVidia both suffer from microstuttering issues with their dual graphics solutions. Although this is somewhat debatable as we usually have AMD and nVidia fanboys shooting shit at each other (so to speak and pardon my french).


Finally, your computer probably has a warrenty clause that should you change out parts.. it'll probably void the warrenty so be aware that is a possibility.


AMD sucks.

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Lol well It would be higher FPS for the games coming out this year, TItanfall (possibly) Thief, GTA V if it gets a port, Skyrim, and maybe Arma III. If I simply can't get a stronger card with this PC then I'll just get a PS4 which was a backup plan :D

I would not really care if it is AMD or NVidia, but The_Monkey seems to care. >:D

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