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For Those Who Do Not Understand..obamacare.


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Mom is a pediatric surgeon going to retire next month do to this.. Im pretty sure she is accurate in her interp of the situation papa...

This isnt some front as i wouldnt just go post something like that and not have facts. That is one of many i found that all say the same deal.

It's odd though how the last few exec orders / laws like the NDAA and the National Defense Resources prep act get passed and you think this isnt the same type of deal.


A good friend of mine is actually the active regional supervisor for High Risk Obstetrics (Ob/Gyn), or high risk pregnancies, so believe me when I tell you I have heard it all before (it is a reoccurring subject of discussion). So while I am more than acutely aware as to the issues the Affordable Care Act presents, I do not agree with your choice in reference.


Mainly because it has quite a bit of irregularities:

  1. The house bill he referenced, House Bill 3200, never actually passed.
  2. He argued the bill was unconstitutional, however, the bill that did, once again actually passed, was upheld by the Supreme Court.
  3. He argued the bill gave illegal immigrants free healthcare, which wasn't actually apart of either bill.
  4. He argued the bill gave and promoted free abortions, who's language was ultimately changed in the bill that actually passed but that, once again, wasn't endorsed in either bill.
  5. He argued the bill rationed out health care and created death panels, which have been almost entirely debunked and nothing in any legislation suggests they were even hinted at.
  6. He argued the bill would have the federal government would be controlled by government, but when asked (bottom of page) the section he was referencing didn't restrict private insurers.
  7. He argued the bill would have the Democrats taking over the health industry, but this true has been proven to be entirely inaccurate.

So while I can appreciate the skepticism people have for the bill, for the love of god please don't take this man's word for it. It has become such an issue that a number of sites have documented his inaccuracies:

  1. Politifact
  2. Snopes

If you want to look up some actual discussion about the health care law:

  1. TruthOrFiction
  2. Fact Sheet
  3. Washington Post
  4. Policymic
  5. Nasdaq
  6. White House
  7. The Actual Website
  8. The Bill Itself

The truth of the matter is no one knows how well or poor this is going to play out, however, what is known is this man, and his chain email, is nothing but fiction.

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I don't see why people are getting upset over this. This is something that every single person in HG should be concerned about, regardless of your views. It is one of the biggest issues in the country right now. Instead of ignoring politics, maybe try educating yourself. 15-16 is NOT too early to start learning about politics, government, and the way the system works. I didn't start paying attention to this stuff until I was 20-21, I wish I could go back and start paying attention at a younger age.


The more you know...


I am as far to the right as you can be and politics put me in a shit mood and get me fired up so I am not going to discuss this, just putting my two cents in about the thread in general.

Easy solution, people can choose to not read politics if they can't maturely discuss it.

If it wasn't for the fact that every point he mentioned was entirely inaccurate, this might have been a well thought out analysis of the health care bill. I take you a fairly smart individual Jax but this is definitely not factual and all opinion and conjecture by a man who is about as far right wing as you can get.

Mom is a pediatric surgeon going to retire next month do to this.. Im pretty sure she is accurate in her interp of the situation papa...

This isnt some front as i wouldnt just go post something like that and not have facts. That is one of many i found that all say the same deal.

It's odd though how the last few exec orders / laws like the NDAA and the National Defense Resources prep act get passed and you think this isnt the same type of deal.


I guess time will tell..


whatever.. I wont post anything more like this.. Too many people like CNN..instead of reading the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

you know.. what many of us went to serve our country for..




the bar exam stands for British Accreditation Regency or esquire.

A good friend of mine is actually the active regional supervisor for High Risk Obstetrics (Ob/Gyn), or high risk pregnancies, so believe me when I tell you I have heard it all before (it is a reoccurring subject of discussion). So while I am more than acutely aware as to the issues the Affordable Car Act presents, I do not agree with your choice in reference.


Mainly because it has quite a bit of irregularities:

  1. The house bill he referenced, House Bill 3200, never actually passed.
  2. He argued the bill was unconstitutional, however, the bill that did, once again actually passed, was upheld by the Supreme Court.
  3. He argued the bill gave illegal immigrants free healthcare, which wasn't actually apart of either bill.
  4. He argued the bill gave and promoted free abortions, who's language was ultimately changed in the bill that actually passed but that, once again, wasn't endorsed in either bill.
  5. He argued the bill rationed out health care and created death panels, which have been almost entirely debunked and nothing in any legislation suggests they were even hinted at.
  6. He argued the bill would have the federal government would be controlled by government, but when asked (bottom of page) the section he was referencing didn't restrict private insurers.
  7. He argued the bill would have the Democrats taking over the health industry, but this true has been proven to be entirely inaccurate.

So while I can appreciate the skepticism people have for the bill, for the love of god please don't take this man's word for it. It has become such an issue that a number of sites have documented his inaccuracies:

  1. Politifact
  2. Snopes

If you want to look up some actual discussion about the health care law:

  1. TruthOrFiction
  2. Fact Sheet
  3. Washington Post
  4. Policymic
  5. Nasdaq
  6. White House
  7. The Actual Website
  8. The Bill Itself

The truth of the matter is no one knows how well or poor this is going to play out, however, what is known is this man, and his chain email, is nothing but fiction and shouldn't be passed off as fact.


It's a damn gaming forum, not a place for a bunch of people to wet their pants over a political debate. HG is like the family dinner table, you NEVER bring politics to the dinner table or shit will go down. It's even stated clearly in the rules that opinionated threads like this should not be brought to this forum whatsoever, and I find it ironic that even people in LEADERSHIP decided to go against that very rule, and that rule is there for a reason. The reason being that it's a damn gaming forum, and people shouldn't be divided based on their opinions on Politics, Religion, Race, Sex, etc.

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It's a damn gaming forum, not a place for a bunch of people to wet their pants over a political debate. HG is like the family dinner table, you NEVER bring politics to the dinner table or shit will go down. It's even stated clearly in the rules that opinionated threads like this should not be brought to this forum whatsoever, and I find it ironic that even people in LEADERSHIP decided to go against that very rule, and that rule is there for a reason. The reason being that it's a damn gaming forum, and people shouldn't be divided based on their opinions on Politics, Religion, Race, Sex, etc.


This is why we can't have nice things.

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there you have it LaZ.


Theres a 100 more links like it..

Did you even... read the link you posted?

I have not found any evidence that BAR is indeed an acronym for British Accredited Registry. According to Augustus Blackstone, the tie-in to the American Bar Association is the “Inns of Courtâ€. "The [American] Revolution swept away a `bar' in the English sense of an upper branch of the profession, possessing certain special privileges by virtue of its connection with the Inns of Court." [PRESENT-DAY LAW SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1928, by Alfred Reed.] However, the British Inns of Court eventually planted its roots on American soil. The following quote was taken from the American Inns of Court web site: “…the American Inns of Court adopted the traditional English model of legal apprenticeship and modified it to fit the particular needs of the American legal system.â€

I'm not even going to humor this discussion about the bar association being some conspiracy association with the UK. It's unfounded, and outdated. Bar is not an acronym. It's a term of art referencing a LITERAL BAR that sat on top of the judge's bench during common law court hearings (in maritime courts, the bar is instead an oar).


It's a damn gaming forum, not a place for a bunch of people to wet their pants over a political debate. HG is like the family dinner table, you NEVER bring politics to the dinner table or shit will go down. It's even stated clearly in the rules that opinionated threads like this should not be brought to this forum whatsoever, and I find it ironic that even people in LEADERSHIP decided to go against that very rule, and that rule is there for a reason. The reason being that it's a damn gaming forum, and people shouldn't be divided based on their opinions on Politics, Religion, Race, Sex, etc.

You never had politics in your dinner table? Well that explains enough for me. Parents have a duty to share civic duties and political awareness with their children. Calm down, child. No one here has even started flaming/bashing/attacking anyone yet. You are the only one so far who has jumped that gun.

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