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Legal Battles


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Some of you know I have a son, but not many of you know I am still going through the custody battle with my ex. I have to say it's such an expensive and pain in the ass thing to deal with. Throughout the case I have been sitting in the courtroom waiting our turn to speak to a judge and time and time again all I see (At least here in Miami, FL) is dads who don't want anything to do with their kids and would rather just pay child support and be done with it. It seems like I am the only one fighting for the right to see my son as often as I can and my ex just want's to keep him from me. I don't know where I am going with this and I know the general community here on HG won't understand how it might be to have a son let alone go through legal troubles to even see him but I cant post this stuff on Facebook because I would just get drama from my ex's friends who are still friends with me. This also goes without saying that whenever I have him, even though im logged onto steam, I dissociate my gaming life and spend as much time as I can out and about with him so yeah (3 day old PM's from steam friends, now you know why)


If I am out of the loop from time to time, it's because of this. Not going anywhere doe ^^


I guess the point of this thread is, if you ever decide to have kids (Hopefully many a year from now you young swaggers) be the best dad/mom you can be and god willing you don't have to go through this crap.




Anyone else have some legal crap they are dealing with now? tickets that sort of thing

Edited by JuIcY
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holy fuck dude i had no idea u and ur wife were splitting up, pretty sad to hear, good luck to u man i hope that she finds her soul and lets you see ur son more often


Well we never were married that's why i had to go to court to get my rights and then it got expensive really fast with trials, its been like this for a year already.

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I guess the point of this thread is, if you ever decide to have kids (Hopefully many a year from now you young swaggers) be the best dad/mom you can be and god willing you don't have to go through this crap.


Great thread man... we adopted our little guy and we've been through quite a bit of the legal system as well. Can't say I feel your pain but I know the frustration of dealing with the court system in Florida. Stay strong for your son and I hope you prevail.


Best of luck man!



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I really hope for the best for you and your son. My parents went through this same thing after they divorced for a long while. Eventually it just settled down (a few years after). I live pretty close to you, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and I witness the same thing with dads just not caring whatsoever. Sad but true.

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I know all to well what you are going through. If you ever need to chat let me know.


Sounds good man, my TS is fucked right now can't see ppl in lobbies but ill PM you number later, thanks faded,

Good luck sir, I hope for the best. It's a shame that child custody rulings are in favor of the wife/woman the majority of the time. It's a pretty unfair system but I hope your money is well spent.


Well its supposed to be, I mean to be honest, the mother goes through a lot of physical and mental hardship carrying the baby for so long and then she's expected to always be there. Children are a LOT of work. Even when they cant walk it was waking up every 3 hours to feed him and that's such a dredge on your life, its very exhausting. So I can understand the court and to be honest, everything has been in my favor so far, but shes just stubborn and from another country so she's not aware of how the US law works. In her mind its, "The man brings the bread to the table, and the mom nurtures the kid" and that's just so black and white.


Great thread man... we adopted our little guy and we've been through quite a bit of the legal system as well. Can't say I feel your pain but I know the frustration of dealing with the court system in Florida. Stay strong for your son and I hope you prevail.


Best of luck man!




Yeah When it comes to Law, its the iron hammer, but if you know how to play 'the game' you will come out on top and so far, I have just been honest and my want to see my own son is legitimate and the judges see that for the most part, things are moving slowly but getter to a better place.

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I really hope for the best for you and your son. My parents went through this same thing after they divorced for a long while. Eventually it just settled down (a few years after). I live pretty close to you, in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and I witness the same thing with dads just not caring whatsoever. Sad but true.


I worked at Holy Cross Hospital by commercial for a while doing medical records, i found out then I was going to be a dad go figure delivering files to the maternity ward to doctors all day lol, but it is what it is. I learned from my dad that even though he divocred my mom and cheated on her, he always took us out and had a good time whenever he had us on the weekends (me and my bro). Guess were learning from the baby boomers at this era

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That sucks, I wish you luck in having things turn out in your favor. This shit is part of the reason I'm leaving Miami, too many assholes, and the good people don't get noticed.


On the topic of legal crap, I'm dealing with a little, although it's trivial. Dispute over damage on a construction site.

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First of all I want to say good luck with everything its a hard thing to deal with it. I for one know what your going through except the fact that I dont have the money for the courts/lawyer. My ex is currently keeping my oldest son from me and it kills me everyday.


Let me know if you need to vent to anyone, I'll see what I can do (depends on my family and kids now, and work of course)

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