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I was once from TU gaming (and I left because they are retarded idiots) And I just wanted to introduce myself


My name is hex (HELLO SEBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


I used to play cal-im I guess I could be interested in this clan if it is mature, I would have to hang out with you guys more cya in game.

Edited by hex
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Eum let me remember you some things...


1- You were the guy talking shit to me saying that HG was bad on eco,cevo or in scrim.

2- You were the guy saying HG sucks, they accept everyone in their clan


Then your coming here? lol you make no sence, go back with ur friends

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I was once from TU gaming (and I left because they are retarded idiots) And I just wanted to introduce myself


My name is hex (HELLO SEBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


I used to play cal-im I guess I could be interested in this clan if it is mature, I would have to hang out with you guys more cya in game.


Good choice, best move i ever made. Nice to see you again see you in the servers =D, but than again you said that Tu was way better than HG and that Hg sucked

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Meh, Seboard everyone rages, especially frenchies...


But TU are scrubs and losers, and you would agree, I'm usually not like that but smokey was watching and everything, I never talk trash in-game, only to fool around :)


I left TU because they were immature, and just overall failed and admin abused, and now that I left they said I rage quit and were immature from it, now I am banned from their vent and fourms because I muted tike because he was yelling "RAGE QUITTER!"


And Seboard it was TU's fault that you were banned, just like me, they blew it out of porportion, and you raged, only I can control it :P

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Gald to have more players!


But how much you wanna bet theres a goodbyrage post with both you and seboard and you, on TU forums?




Just saying that i hope you see HG as a better clan than TU, and not just somewhere to go because you got kicked out

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Meh, Seboard everyone rages, especially frenchies...


But TU are scrubs and losers, and you would agree, I'm usually not like that but smokey was watching and everything, I never talk trash in-game, only to fool around :)


I left TU because they were immature, and just overall failed and admin abused, and now that I left they said I rage quit and were immature from it, now I am banned from their vent and fourms because I muted tike because he was yelling "RAGE QUITTER!"


And Seboard it was TU's fault that you were banned, just like me, they blew it out of porportion, and you raged, only I can control it :P


No, we don't have an age minimum, but maybe we should. You sound 5.

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