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unbanned Dr.pepper Ts3 Unban

X7 sword

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Hey guys, me your ol'dog pepper here. So while on Ts3 yesterday I made a REALLY dumb desicion to show a screamer link to a few channels (Me and my skype freind were talking about screamers and he dared me to share them to you, still I shouldnt have done it). So, On the channel I was on a admin came on and warned me to stop (his name was pickles and can confirm he did) but before I could respond and aggre to stop I was banned by another admin for: 8 hours reason [HAHAHHAHAH].

Im pretty sure I knew what he baned me beacase of those posts so I decided to take the punishment without comlaining.

1 day later: You are banned permanently. I feel as if I wasnt given a warning. I am extreamly sorry for what I did, but should be given another chance due to the confusion bettwen pickles and other admins. I hope to talk again on teamspeak and comunicate with freinds WITHOUT posting that link.


-THANKS Dr.pepper 10


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I feel as if I wasnt given a warning.

Oh, I am sorry i always forget to mention to people that they shouldn't be doing dumb shit. Guess it must have slipped my mind

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Wow we give you one last chance thinking you changed and yet you do stupid shit like this? Shows how much you've changed.


I was never banned from teamspeak, only the servers. And sence I have came back to the servers I have been treated AWSOME! So from what I hear when im on the servers I dont get complaints from others anymore :)

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