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reviewed Cops Abusing Powers

Ismail Azam Ali

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I was recently playing on Sunday 11/18/13 when I ran into a Police officer who was parked on the road. He was in the bank when I hit his car, as I started requesting if he could move his car he said to turn off my engine and pull over. As I did he told me it was my fault and that if I did it again he would arrest me, I called him a crappy cop and got back in my car to drive away, as I did he started shooting at my car and when it exploded arrested me and ticketed. I finally got out of jail and confronted him about it when I was in my car driving by and as he kept saying it was my fault my temper rose and I ended up calling him a "Sh*tty cop" before he proceeded to put road spikes under my car, taze me several times, arrest me, and ticket me again. Upon getting out I asked Steding Slap to demote him (which he did) but the Officer got the job again, when he arrested me for no reason again I called an admin who said I shouldn't provoke him by calling him a bad cop (I think it was Chex). The officer then proceeded to follow me around the town and would confront me about almost everything I did, for example I parked my car at the city gas station and he said that if I didn't turn off my car he would arrest me and ticket me. I asked on OOC if this was needed and everyone said no, so I just got in my car and drove away. The officer for a 4th time gave me a ticket for allegedly speeding when I was going 20 mph in the city and then gave me another when I didn't move my car while I was paying the ticket (which I couldn't do because I hadn't payed the first one yet). The officers ingame name was John Right and his steam name was something with the word Apollo in it, my ingame name is Mohammad Ali and my steam name is Mistah Fijian. I would really appreciate if someone could take care of this officer because he has some vendetta against me. Thank you for your time.

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