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Unban Request


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Your in-game name:



Server that you were banned on:

Surf -


The Banning admin:



Your Steam-Id:



Reason for ban:



How long was your ban?



When did this happen?

2009-08-16 17:29:19




My usual name is Sickshot, and one day I was playing on a jail break server (non-HG) server and had set my name to "n*gger" with an i, I got bored of it and without thinking about what my name was set to I joined the [HG] Surf server.. I started playing for a couple of minutes and then I saw someone get banned and said "lol" then I was banned permanently.


I just recently decided to make this unban request because I love your surf server and I see you guys have like 20 different CS:S servers that I want to try.


I had no idea racism was a perma ban offense, I appologize and promise to never do it again.



Edited by Sickshot.
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