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reviewed Raptor Abuse Report


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1. Abuser name:Raptor

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:1:22396123

3. What server:Garrysmod Zombie Survival

4. About what time: 10:00 PM Pacific Time.

5. PROOF:http://www.mediafire.com/download/ejbrhlfhwlm2b5l/demo.dem

6. Please tell us about the incident. Raptor kicked me off the server for the reason troll but I never did anything wrong. I was trying to place a turret on a spot but I needed more height. I went to buy a hammer and grabbed a chair that was unclaimed and not being used. The chair was in the default spot it spawns on in the map and when I got it out I began to lag real bad. While I was lagging I looked at the chat a bit and noticed raptor calling me a troll and he wanted my chair but I refused to give him it because I got it fair and square. He then kicks me because he demanded me to give the chair but I wouldn't. I do not understand if admins are allowed to demand any prop they want as theirs but if he is allowed to do that, then I am sorry about this false report but that seems really unfair.

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this guy is such a troll, he ran away with chair for 20 secs he was holding it then he nailed it 3 times.

i warned him like 5 times decided to troll so he could report me for abuse.

he did this pure on purpose, he knows how to piss people off and then reports them

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Well that is certainly not what I witnessed in the demo. I saw him take the chair (not claimed) and use it to place his turret on the wall and then you kicked him. Honestly if you wanted the chair why didn't you nail it in the first place?

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this guy is such a troll, he ran away with chair for 20 secs he was holding it then he nailed it 3 times.

i warned him like 5 times decided to troll so he could report me for abuse.

he did this pure on purpose, he knows how to piss people off and then reports them


I do not know if I am allowed to reply to this topic but if I may, I would like to reply to raptors comment. If I am not allowed to reply, by all means feel free to delete this reply. Raptor what do you mean ran away, no one was using it so I took it, The way you portray me running away makes it as if I stole it from you. Why does it matter that I was holding it for about 20 seconds? I was moving it around and lagging a bit. I had 2 nails on it not 3 but that does not matter. You warned me for trolling because I picked up a chair on the ground. I do not see how this is trolling. I do not see how you presumed I was doing this on purpose when all I did was pick up a chair that is in no way presentable showing it is your chair.

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i like how he didnt say anything at all was waiting for me to get mad.

i'm seriously pissed how he changed his name so i wouldnt recognize him, didnt even say a single word.


i wish i recorded previously when he called me a fa**** and prop killed me with explosive barrel, REMEMBER that scypher. i know you do.

Edited by Raptorâ„¢
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Well there is not much I can do here going off of your word. If you have proof feel free to post it here, but scypher is correct, his ping was excessively high in the demo at the time of the incident, 876 to be exact. However this still is abuse cause he wasn't necessarily trolling with it. He did indeed use it. Raptor, do you see and understand what you did wrong?

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i'm sorry man i was just frustrated, i didn't meant to kick. once i kicked him i felt bad cause it was wrong what i did.

Please forgive me.

All good and just not let your anger get to you next time so we don't have to go through stuff like this.



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