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reviewed Jonker's Ts3 Unban

Jonkers bob.

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I was banned for saying "madcuzbad" when killing deathshot in a 10man as a joke. Then i get dreamwreck and gaged after saying it once after the game to deathshot. i asked stylez why he dream wrecked me when it wasnt even his problem and he goes on to talk shit and say im trolling when im just trying to find out why he gaged me in game and dream wrecked me on ts3. If it hurt deathshots feelings im sorry and i would have stoped if he said it did but after the game he laughed about it.

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You have an embedded need to instigate others anger. You were doing a lot more than you quoted yourself for, repetitively saying 'madcuzbad' and even after deathshot gagged you, that is enough warning for you to drop something. You constantly, day after day, attempt to make other peoples experience in/around HG worse. You should seriously re-evaluate your want to be around all the people in HG when you do nothing but negatively troll (at least from the time i've spent with you). I dreamwrecked you because you don't know when to stop and let things go. I wasn't even talking shit until you were rejecting the fact that you were causing problems and pissing people off. I personally have no issues with you besides your disregard for others and I wouldn't have a huge problem with you being unbanned. I just think you need to do some growing up when youre around others.

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Well since stylez went ham and spent about 10 minutes at his keyboard, I'll keep mine short and sweet:


I asked you to stop spamming. You didn't. I gagged you, then you were ungagged later. I figured you had learned your lesson, and you wouldn't be attempting to cause more drama during the match. You didn't learn your lesson. It continued, and I warned you with yet another gag, and told you that if it continued, you would be kicked. This time, you stopped.


Yet, after the match, you continued the drama. It should have stopped in the game, or rather not have even started, but you then continued in teamspeak after the matter. Things were said, warnings were given, and you never understood that you shouldn't have continued. You took things too far.


Also: If you wish to dispute these claims, then please, do so. I have chat from both ingame and teamspeak 3, if that's a problem.

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after u gagged me u said "madcuzgagged" then later when you killed me you said "madcuzbad" nice to know advisor can get away with shit and in ts i said it once and get dreamwreck by stylez which he should have never been in this

. like i said before if it really made you mad or anything u should have said something and i would have stopped right their

Edited by Jonkers
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I'm going to let the remaining 6 days on your ban sit, there's multiple occasions i have seen you troll/cause 'problems' (not to mention the times i haven't seen but heard of), and I feel you deserve a week away from ts3. You are correct in the fact that I shouldn't have been involved in your vs. Deathshot's argument but it's probably about time someone encouraged you to clean up how you behave around others. You do this almost every day in ts3 and come off as very anti-authority when youre told to stop something. You've developed a lot of enemies in HG and you should consider changing the way you interact with others in the future.



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