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reviewed Ts3 Unbann Request

X7 sword

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hey dr.pepper here again. So I went to the tf2 channel and was immidently being bullyed beacase of my preveous name x7 sword. I was banned You were banned for 7 days from the server by "digitalshot" (trolling others and doesn't learn to shut his mouth that really doesn't make much seance because I never trolled....I was in the tf2 channel asking if they could leave to the right channel because they were not in tf2 the game, but I said they didn't have to, but it would just be nice if they could. THEN I get accused of bossing around admins? Please someone talk to him. And if he claims what he says make sure to check the team speak logs because I know u guys hear everything. THANKS!

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Hmm let's see, you come into the channel asking what we're playing. Most of the people in the channel were playing Jailbreak, me and Chicken Wings were playing Battlefield 4, somebody else was playing Counter-Strike. We told you this twice. You replied with if you aren't playing TF2 I'm going to have to ask you to leave the channel. Then you started fucking with Chicken Wings and arguing with him. Seriously, why should I unban you at this point since you have done this shit to me and The_Monkey before about 6 months ago.

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Digi got the first part. He did not include the part where I kicked you for trolling when you said everyone who was not playing TF2 needs to leave. Funny how you were banned for this same exact reason by The Monkey a while ago. You then proceeded to come back into Teamspeak and REPEAT that people in the TF2 channel should be playing TF2 and that playing TF2 Jailbreak did not constitute playing TF2. After that I began talking with digital about bugs in BF4 and you then started saying "BF4 is a perfect game." We did not care for your constant input, but you kept doing it.


I don't see how you are confused about how you got banned when you did the exact same thing that got you banned the first time.

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You then proceeded to come back into Teamspeak and REPEAT that people in the TF2 channel should be playing TF2 and that playing TF2 Jailbreak did not constitute playing TF2


Really?!!! Stop twisting my words and cutting parts out. I said that the channel is spicificly for tf2 and you were not playing tf2, and that makes it confusing to me. I then said that you have the right to stay beacase you have your own free will as a admin, but to keep in mind that I am playing tf2. Im sorry you took it offencivly.

Now for the battlefeild thing, that was just 2 diffrent players arguing weither the game is good or not. I dont think that should be a reason to ban someone, but if it really did get annoying bro, sorry.

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I know, but I know that the HIGH HIGH leaders of HG hear everything on ts3

That is not true....


Anyway, the Team Fortress 2 channel is for the TF2 Division. We aren't twisting your words. As for BF4 the discussion had nothing to do with you and yet you decided to interject yourself in the conversation when your input was not necessary. It had nothing to do with WHETHER (not weather) the game was good or not.

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That is not true....


Anyway, the Team Fortress 2 channel is for the TF2 Division. We aren't twisting your words. As for BF4 the discussion had nothing to do with you and yet you decided to interject yourself in the conversation when your input was not necessary. It had nothing to do with WHETHER (not weather) the game was good or not.


Oh, ok I get it. So its for everyone with tf2 symble. k. Sorry I didnt know that.

And for the BF4 thing, sorry I really like talking :( anyway dont you think 7 days is a bit long?

Im sure we can work this out like adults/teens :)

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