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Thought Of The Day #1


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So I decided to start my thought of the day. Alot of times when I'm working my mind tends to drift and I just start to ponder lots of different topics and I am curious about what your guys/gals thoughts on em are so here goes.


Do you think Mandela died satsified with what he had accomplished in his life time or do you think that in his last moments he wished he had done more?

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He was a brilliant man, I think he achieved what he was trying to.

You never truly achieve what you set out for. A better job can always be done a second time. He certainly marked the world and he will go down in history for it. I don't think he achieved everything he wanted to do, but he did enough it can't be reversed.

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Do you think Mandela died satsified with what he had accomplished in his life time or do you think that in his last moments he wished he had done more?


Here's what I think, he was an inspirational man. He accomplished so much in his life although I feel like great men like him don't have a limit on what they want to accomplish, they just want to keep helping. I'd think he died satisfied though.

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