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Sandy Hook Elementary


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Hello my name is LittleTommy and I have been a part of HeLLsGamers for almost 9 months. You may have seen me on the forms or in teamspeak and I am one that tends to joke around a lot but right now 1 year ago 27 innocent adults and children were spending their last night on this planet. These were some of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. I say some only because the family, friends and the students along with the staff all witnessed something horrible that day so I would consider them to be the victims as well. The only reasons I even bothered to make this post was for people to remember how fragile life is and how easy it can just slip away. The other reason is that maybe you should take a moment of silence for the victims of this horrible tragedy. Just try to take a minute of your day.



If you want to say something nice that would be great but please don't be negative. Thank you.

Edited by LittleTommy42
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