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Have You Guys Watched Vghs?


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Its AWESOME right!? I just finished the first and second season Again, both in two days. I'm addicted to it. I'm still mad that they only have like six eps a season. So dumb.! And Jenny is fucking HAWT.

Well it is a low budget, like low low so it's quite cool what they mange to pull off with the money!

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Saw on Netflix ������

Yup that's where I saw it.


Well it is a low budget, like low low so it's quite cool what they mange to pull off with the money!

Yeah true. But still that would be BAD ASS!


i watch it season 1-2 cant wait until season 3 comes out


I have watched it but I cant remember where I am so I guess I have to watch it all again XD

Trust me, watch it over again. I watched both seasons TWICE in two days. #addicted.


aww man.. its on TV now?! damn..

Well I mean well wasn't it always? But it did start on YouTube.. but yeah..


Only really watched the first season.

Unsure if I should watch the second season with all the anime I could watch instead -w-

Watch it!:D its only six Eps.

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