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not abuse Abuse On My Ban


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I would like to protest a ban on abuse because Magic banned me 3 weeks after a sharp shooter had already handled it for 6 hours when the ban was just over using the N word. I dont see why 3 weeks is needed as I have been banned meany times for 3weeks for having a history of bans. I feel like at this point I am being abused and all I want is to play on your server at this point but the staff seems to abuse me and players are ganging up against me for the stupidest shit like having a turret in the wrong spot. All I want is a server to play on, players that seem to be nice and a descent admin staff that doesnt pull me into a hole. Using the N word is not a 3 week ban even if I have a history of bans that seems to get me into bigger bans. I just want a 1 day ban because that is what I should get and you all know you would ban anyone else for 2 hours for saying the n word. talkin bout "fuck the police" (NWA)

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This is a free country and you possess the right to do that but ask yourself, is it the right thing to do? If you hate me or dislike me thats fine but should you really take it out on me? Im here to be your friend not your enemy and yet you treat me like Osama fucking Bin Laden and I dont get it.

Edited by Methland
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1. Please use the correct format.

2. If you continue to cause trouble you are not welcome here.

3. Follow the rules and all will be fine. No racism.

4. If we treated you as Osama, you'd be dead but you're alive and well.

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Ok lets have a look here at your history right here: http://hellsgamers.c...s&st=0:40031408

  • 7 Approved blacklists
  • 8 bans, 3 of which are more than 1 week
  • 3 1+ day bans
  • Some hour bans

Now what do you think the point of a ban is? What is the lesson from a ban? TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T CAUSE ISSUES IN OUR SERVERS SO YOU WON'T GET BANNED AGAIN. You have done the exact opposite of this during your stay here, you've been demoted and continue to get banned. I have seen you disrespect in our servers as well numerous times. Just as Nite said, follow the rules and you will be fine.


However, this isn't my decision, will leave this up to uM+.

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I was banned 3 weeks twice for this same reason, why must you do it again?


Learn the rules and you won't get punished. Again you failed to do the correct format but even if you did it wouldn't matter because this isn't abuse. If you cause any trouble again, we will remove you from our server permanently.


You just got to learn to own up to your mistakes and accept the consequences that come along with your choice. Stop making excuses and have fun. BUT still follow the rules.

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