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Unban request


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1. Your in-game name: Don't Get Lippy w/ME Bitch

2. Server that you were banned on: Office 24/7 Noob

3. The Banning admin: I love Lamp

4. Your Steam-Id STEAM_0:1:7833351

5. Reason for ban: No clue, i was spectating walked away for 5 min, it could be an accident I have admin... What happend

Edited by Moto
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I get about 45 minutes a day to play at any given time. When I have to cut that short to deal with an idiot who decides he would be funny and turn on friendly fire and low grav, I get angry. When I get angry, I ban the source of my anger. My therapist says its therapeutic.


Don't fucking start initiating random votes in the server. We're still working on the new system, and it'd be nice if people would use their god damn brains and maybe NOT lay their greasy hands on every new button they get.


Long story short: Don't TOUCH SHIT that you shouldn't be touching. If I have to stop doing everything I'm doing every 5 minutes to clean up after idiots who can't use rational thought, then nothing will get done.

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