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not abuse Abuse

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1. Abuser name: HG | Chicken Wings

2. Their Steam Id:


3. What server: (tf2 jailbreak server)

4. About what time: 3:20

5. PROOF:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052989427/home/

6. Please tell us about the incident i was playing a song

when well into the song chicken said ive had enough of your shitty music turn it off. *note music was not blaringly loud.* i turned off the music and told him just because he doesnt like my music doesnt me i have to turn it off and played another song.http://youtu.be/HjxAQmt5SYQ then i was muted for the round.
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I only counted 5 or so names repeatedly telling me to shut up.


Exactly, that's more than enough reason to turn your music off. This isn't Congress where you need a super majority vote to enact the law. This is a dictatorship. When an admin asks you to turn your music off next time, please listen.



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