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Its About That Time Guys :(


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Dear HG,


It has come to my attention, that I'm not the very best pedophile.. Consider I'm only 17; I think it's time I retire my Pedophilia. This is where HG comes in, I need help thinking of a new name. :unsure: The worse it is the more I may like it but even then I really don't want to be a pedophile anymore. It's tearing my family apart, during this Christmas break my mom came to visit me and my grandparents. As she came into the room I was leading on JB, so I asked her if she would want to lead the T's onto !lr.


She then saw my name was Pedophile, and began to completely wreck the back of my head with her big ass man fists telling me that I'm a disgrace of my great grandfather Confucius. Nevermind, I'm getting lost into my story of why I'm retiring. I need your help to rename the man you know today as Pedophile.


I'm begging you guys, my grandma won't even make me breakfast anymore, and my mom wakes me up with a knuckle sandwich and not the good kind.

- Pedophile.. :confused:

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i know man, setlle down. Don't over think about this; sometimes even the best gfx artist like myself cant even find himself within his own mind. <-- deep shit

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