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I Have Very Bad News

Sir Jeddi00

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Thank you italk, it means alot :)

Im doing quite well at the moment, i did make a post just now but the cloudflare protection wouldnt put it up...

My surgery to remove the tumor is due 10th april and then four months of chemotherapy after april 25th so christmas is gonna be brilliant :D

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I believe as a community we should do something for him he has been an active member for long time. I believe we should give some kind of care package. He has been active for a long time and he is always is there when we need him and I think he needs us more than we need him. I will be honored to organize with support. my friend hang in there. We should do something to help one our family members out because he is not just a member. good luck on surgery and we the community he will need help during chemo.

Howler you got my number if need anything call me.

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Howler do you have a 3ds by chance?


I recently had surgery for testicular cancer and am very lucky I did not need chemo. I bought a 3ds preemptively in case I did but if you have one I'll play whatever game you have with you while you had to sit there for the day.

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