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Lol Tips & Tricks Thread [Share Some Knowledge!]


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Throughout League Of Legends there are a ton of little things that can change the way you play and improve you as a player! Im sure everyone has a few for their main champion that could be benefitial to others trying out a champion / leaning one! This thread will be a place to dump little/big tips & tricks about LoL that can make you have an edge over someone who wouldnt know. I'll start off with a few!




If on blue side push out then farm double golems or if on purple push out and put ur 60/120 sec ward over wall and kill the white wraith over the wall (it will stay aggro'd and doesnt move).



You can teleport to all selectable things. Teemo Shrooms, J4 Flags and Heimer Turrets, Zyra seeds,Zac Blobs and any other friendly "unit"




â— Alistar

- You can cast Q during your W animation, causing your Q to immediately go off after your headbutt hitting them in the air immediately (The 'Ali' Combo)

- You can also hit an auto attack at the end of your W animation that isn't dodge able (VERY good for AP Alistars who have sheen)


â— Annie

- As annie (support or mid) a lot of opponents will try to be more aggressive on you whenever your stun is down, You can actually bait some pretty aggressive plays by knowing that you can proc her stun in mid projectile. What I mean is, if you are 2/4 spells needed for a stun and throw your Q at someone and activate your E before it reaches them, it will still stun them. (Put your W on cooldown first to seriously bait some plays)+


â— Cassiopeia

- You can bush check with Noxious Blast for very little mana. If you hit an enemy champ you will gain the MS bonus.


â— Ezreal

- Your ultimate cannot be canceled AT ALL once it has been casted. Once you start the animation your ult will go off 100%, regardless if you get silenced, suppressed, or even killed.

- You can use your E to dodge out of already casted abilities from Blitz - Hook and Leona - E. It will negate the hook from blitz and leave you seperated from leona(You still get rooted).


â— Fiddlesticks

- Your passive is a dead giveaway. When ganking or invading be sure to not stand too close to walls/bushes as your passive will show on enemy players. On the other hand, if you think you are being ganked/invaded by a fiddle, just keep an eye out for that passive to pop up.


â— Lee Sin

- You can dash to all selectable things. Teemo Shrooms, J4 Flags and Heimer Turrets, Zyra seeds,Zac Blobs and any other friendly "unit"


â— Leona

- You can 1 shot wards by auto > q > auto (seriously annoying if youre a good support)


â— MaoKai

- You can flash while maokai is e'ing to you to bring him under tower with you and usually bait a free kill.


â— Riven

- Her Q 3rd dash can go over small wall's ledges, and can be used to escape baron/drag.

- It's more efficient to use her Q as a stage-by-stage auto attack steroid, to clarify: It's more damage to Q > auto attack > Q > auto attack > Q

- Her E frees her from WW ult (CURRENT BUG, STILL WORKS ON PATCH 3.15)


â— Ryze

- This is probably a bug, but if you last hit a minion with your auto attack and cast a Q while the AA is in flight and it dies before the Q hits, you will get a free tear stack and your mana/cd refunded.


â— Tristana

- You can cast all of her spells while in mid air! (Q,E,R) The knockback will start from where you land, so be careful not to give them a free escape.


â— Thresh

- Cast your Q where you want to go, drop lantern for your teammate, and then finish your Q so they can come with you. Also, If you have a syndra on your team you can Q something > She throws it > You finish Q and can create some really sudden/cool synergies.


These are just a start of hopefully a bigger thread, drop yours below!

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Thresh drops lantern when behind baron/drag and grabs baron/drag with hook then can bring a teammate with him


ADC bot lane tip, if on blue side push out then farm double golems or if on purple push out and put ur 60/120 sec ward over wall and kill the white wraith over the wall.


ezreal can get by leo grab, and blitz grab by using E out of it mid grab without any negative affect.


u can flash when maokai is mid air with his stun and it will follow u anywhere so u can bait him into turrets early if he ganks especially middle.


u can use ur 60 sec ward @ 1:40 back, sell your trinket and get a red trinket as a support for ur lane.

Edited by Boxer-I-
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also the ezreal trick won't completely ignore the fact, i believe it just occurs where he lands (leona E, not blitz Q of course) so he'll get snared where he lands instead of where he is.


You disagree with researching mobafire? It is a massive storehouse of builds to look at and use for inspiration for your own. And many of the best guides have great tips for different champs.

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You disagree with researching mobafire? It is a massive storehouse of builds to look at and use for inspiration for your own. And many of the best guides have great tips for different champs.

don't use mobafire.

use solomid.net or lolpro.com or probuilds.net. such better information. the mobafire guides are not good at all. the solomids/lolpro guides are written by people ranked high up and go into much better detail than the mobafire guides.

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  • 2 weeks later...



You're E while in spider form can be used to jump to targets that's in the fog of war, works both on minions and players.



Jungling: Try to keep your spiderlings alive for as long as possible, let them die just before you shape-shift into human form since then you will get new once and that way you maximise the dmg output.



(not so much a tips for most people but seen many that don't have this knowledge)

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Hi yma3591: S3 plat 4 61 lp, current status: gold 2 http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/26855386

While Lux ulting it is possible to flash and change the direction if timed right. This also works for shen taunt, gragas body slam, orxerath arcanopulse. While in spider form, Elise's volatile spiderling will jump from its current position towards whoever you q.

Trick for alistar that most people don't see coming is to flash onto them, pulverize, then headbutt them back to your adc to ensure a quick first blood. While casting thresh's q, using his e will speed up the animation, yet will have no effect on the actual spell itself, as the chain just appears to be faster yet the hitbox won't be there. Twisted fate's pick a card actually has a pulsing effect while the card is shown above his head. Counting 3 ticks and then using the card will ensure the next pick a card to start with the color just picked. This is how messiah does his double gold card trick. Lulu's w counts as a projectile towards yasuo's wall and will be blocked, so using yasuo's wall correctly will block a gamechanging polymorph. A really tricky move by Xerath that will catch a low opponent by surprise is a flash+w+q for a quick blind shot into the fog of war. This is very hard to pull off, but makes you look very good.Yasuo's wall gives vision so you can use it to hop over jungle walls. A really cheese way to start out with bltizcrank is to rush a sheen so that your damage output is almost doubled and landing a grab will almost certaintly confirm a kill. Rengar can possibly triple q by weaving his ult between his spell stacking to regenerate another bar of fury. A trick to carry solo queue with udyr jungle is to take blue, then immediately run to the enemy red in bear stance (assuming that you hit level 2 and the other jungler starts with blue). This is because udyr has one of the fastest clear times and after taking red, you can level 2 gank through tribrush to have an easy first blood, or you can go get your red and continue farming nonstop. Always farm as udyr and try to ignore your teammates pleas for help.

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Buy fucking sightstone. Seriously, I don't know why people stopped buiding this item. There is no logical reason behind skipping this on ANY support.


the main reason i notice is people will do coin->the new shurelya's and forget to build it. its an amazing item and when you buy it you should also upgrade to the red trinket.

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With SYndra you can have seven balls fly with your ult. You need max CDR, however. Place your first two, use your W on the first one you placed, then place two more, drop the one you are holding with your W and then use your ult!

Pretty obvious Oreo tip: I like to put my ball on the most balls deep player that can do the damage and deal with the aggro and ulting on them. It helps keep people close to him and does a F$%# of damage if you are nearly full build or fed.

As Zyra don't put your seeds down until you want to use them when you are harassing in lane. They can be avoided by your opponent if you place them too quickly.

Don't be afraid to use your ult on ANY of these champions even if you don't get the kill. I feel they have a low cooldown if you get the Athene's Unholy Grail, which I do on all three of these.

Only Bronze IV but these have helped me in games. I don't care if you take them or not huehuehue

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if I missed this or not. On Akali the Q lasts longer than your cooldown meaning you can proc your Q twice at once. At 6 you can throw it on ppl wait for your Q to come back then ult + auto or E to proc your Q then Q again and proc it.


Pantheon can use his abilities before he completely drops from his ultimate.


This isn't one of the best tips but on cait you can E and Q right after. The Q will go off from where you were standing when you E'd. This is best used when trying to back up but want to poke. Don't use if you need to run FAST. E-Q is slower than just Eing away. (Uses lots of mana, and doesn't work when chasing.)


If you have enough CD on Lulu you can get 2 Q's off before your E disappears.


If you ult in a bush as Nunu, the enemy can't see your ult. Some people won't notice but nowadays most ppl do lol.


I don't feel like explaining it but Rengar can get 3 Q's off using his ult.


You can put Shaco's Q on cd faster if you start recalling. Not sure what use this is but w/e.


If you place it right Trundle's pillar can cancel peoples abilities. Even your teammates. Enjoy.


If you stand in the right place you can hit both nexus turrets with twitch ult. Your autos dont work on the nexus if you ult though. Not sure if that's fixed but you might have to stand very very close to the nexus to auto if your ult is activated.


Taric's passive has no cooldown unlike sheen. He can use it inbetween every ability.


Ziggs can use his abilities after being launched mid air from his satchel charge.


Hope that helps.

Edited by kiddypool
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Really easy to follow fast tip: When you have super minions in one lane, don't go pushing that lane. Super minions will always win against a normal wave, this will cause either A: The super minions aren't killed by champion and keep on pushing into nexus turrets > nexus B: Enemy team go to help their minions and whilst their doing that you push the other lanes making it harder for them to take care of the situation.


Also if you have their enemy jungler/person with smite dead and you have a lot of vision around Baron. It's probably a good time to get it.

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  • 1 month later...

For thresh you can position yourself one way and throw your Q a completely different way, good for catching enemies off guard.

also for jax if you are against a warwick (anywhere) if you time it right your E can completely negate his ultimate (you will not take any damage from it and will eventually cancel it)

also in your main post it says you can flash maokai's E, his E is his saplings i think you are meaning his W.

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For thresh you can position yourself one way and throw your Q a completely different way, good for catching enemies off guard.

also for jax if you are against a warwick (anywhere) if you time it right your E can completely negate his ultimate (you will not take any damage from it and will eventually cancel it)

also in your main post it says you can flash maokai's E, his E is his saplings i think you are meaning his W.


You could flash the saplings too. I'll add all the posts from this thread and fix that tommorow.

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Thresh's lantern has a change, you don't need to press the middle or be in the middle of the lantern. if you throw it over a wall, you can still get it just of the edge of lanter. This can give you a larger range.


If you want to go ham with lee singer and you want the enemy to burn needed summoners or other abilities you should learn how to insec like Insec. Take some time just playing and learning how to do your movements fast. Exampel: You hit with sonic wave, use resonating strike, then in movement to the enemy use safeguard to go to other unit.


Also as lee sin, you should get close to the enemy hit with sonic wave, then try to use dragons rage to get them over a wall and then come after with resonating strike. If you learn how to play lee sin well, he has great mobility.

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As Ryze, you can do a level 2 all in that will kill anyone. You need to go hard at level 1 and do a lot of damage with your Q and get them below half. Then, you need to hit level 2 first and as soon as you hit level 2, flash away from their minion wave and E + Q + AA + Ignite will kill them. You need to be right next to them AWAY from the minion wave, so that your E bounces between the enemy and you only.

Edited by OzoNe
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