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reviewed Abusive Slaying


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Hi everyone.


Abuser name: -hg- FlabbyHaxer

Steam ID: Steam_0:1:75151965

Server: [HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | Fast DL | HeLLsGamers.com

About what time: Roughly 7ish PM EST

Proof: Please see the pictures below for the picture transcript.


Written transcript (in case it's too messy):


Smitty - No Monitor: this server saves your points from map to map, some of us have thousands of points.

SPECAIL: Only thousands?

SPECAIL: I have a million, but it's locked away in a lawyer fee. Please give me 5000 points to help me unlock points @bank

SPECAIL: Fank u - Kabubu of Nigeria

Disconnect: Kicked by -hg- FlabbyHaxer (Steam_0:1:75151965) (Implied Racism).


Tell us about the situation:


Name's SPECAIL. I generally don't like to post on forums about heads up or anything if it was minor, but I thought this one was worth a look at by the HG admin team.


I was playing on the HG Zombie Survival server in GMod, when I was making a joke (see pictures) and was kicked for it. Despite HG's strict no racism policy, which I have never broken, I was told that I had implied racism by making a joke about the world's most known scamming technique. Even though the origin points of this joke (scamming techniques) comes from Nigeria, I don't see how a kick was warranted. If a kick was warranted, I would like to have known it was a racist remark. It is not as direct as say the n-word being thrown out, or saying "NigerNigerNiger" to dodge the technicality of missing a "g" in the word.


The point of the joke was that if players did give me "x" points used to unlock a million points, it would be me scamming them out of points rather than me being racist in any capacity. It would be nice if a review on this was made.




Edit; As requested, I have formatted my post to the template. Thanks!



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I have been taught by sharp and other admins on the server to kick people for implied racism for that stuff, I dont know whether that was kickable or not, But I do know for sure that other admins kicked people for the same reasons like that. I learned from those admins and did what they did. That is How I am learning In HG. So I dont know why I am suddenly being reported for doing what I learned. My proof is basicly what he has up their.

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Hi again everyone,


So i'm confused, what does your saying supposed to mean? I don't quite understand it.



If you are confused about the dialogue with mostly myself, I'll try to explain it.


it is a reference to a scam used by people around the world to scam you out of money. Here is an example: http://www.scamdex.com/419-011.php.


The point of the scam is to take your money, claiming that if you helped me pay for some lawyer fees or bank fees etc. I can withdraw a large sum of money. Part of that sum will be shared with you obviously! However, this IS the scam. Specifically in ZS-points, I ask people to give me points, so I can unlock more points at a ZS-point bank (of course there aren't any...) and get my million points to share with the "investors". This is a long running joke that I've said many times, and always said in the same fashion. Sometimes I ask for 1000 points, sometimes I ask for 5000 points, but in the end the points is to unlock "a million ZS points" after my "lawyer fees" are done. The joke has been used again and again, and I have never been kicked for it as the joke is not about Nigeria, but the scam itself.


The scam itself has been alive for many many years, dating back to the Spanish. However, Nigerians have been most infamous in using this particular scam to trick people via emails, or phone calls, to take people of their money.


In shorter terms, I make a joke about scamming people. I mention Nigeria because it is the most known source of the scam in the modern day, and got kicked for it.

Edited by SPECAIL
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I have learned from other admins that I should kick anyone who even comes close to saying something racist like that


Other admins that I've played with don't kick people unless they are blatantly racist. There have been many situations where SharpShooter, who by the way is harsh on these matters but equally fair, have dealt with racism. He does not kick people as he sees fit unless people are crossing the line of racism very clearly. A person entering the server, and then saying something like "Yo n***a get off ma bak" is nothing more than a racist slur. In these situations, admins have kicked people immediately.


Other situations where racism is questionable offers a warning. SharpShooter does this a lot. He will tell you to stop, and proceed to tell you that if you continue, a kick will be in order. What you did the other evening was a straightforward kick, in a situation where no one else thought the joke was used in a racist situation. The very fact that no other admins thought that it was enough to justify even a warning, shows how much you have misinterpreted the joke. It was little more than a misuse of adminship, and ought to be reviewed.


Kicking someone after a warning if the situation is muddy, I can perfectly agree with. Kicking someone for merely mentioning Nigeria or misunderstanding the situation without warning is the sign of someone who's too willing to just swing their adminship.

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I also do not know how this is "abusive slaying" because I never slayed anyone in this prosses at all what so ever


You kicking me have the same effect as me being slain. It did nothing to stop me from coming back, and that was pretty much the effect of the kick.


edit: It posted my previous post twice for some reason, so I used this one to answer the question.

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Ok there should have been no kick Flabby, even before I read this I did not see any implied racism as he was not trying to imply racism in any way.

In case you didn't know, Nigeria is a country. If you don't believe me here is a picture:


However, I can see this as a common mistake. If you ever don't know what to do please contact me or another dA next time. Thanks for the report though.



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