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Wow Is Dieing :(


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I feel blizzard know wow is dying way to fast so they wanna make as much money as they can, while they can... and this what we got...


I think the option is there due to people not wanting to redo there 100th character for endgame content.

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  • 5 weeks later...

A large portion of those of us who started playing it in beta or the vanilla release, the reason is simple: it became too easy. There was no challenge anymore, no skill involved, just cookie-cutter builds and a lot of button mashing. Some of my fondest memories are of dying over and over trying to kill that one mob. Not an instance boss, but just a plain old elite wandering out in the wilderness. They were plentiful and they were a cast iron bitch. A party of five level 60s taking on Borelgore back in the day when he was a 61 Elite wandering the Eastern Plaguelands had a break-even chance of wiping.


Back then, if you accomplished something, it meant something. You actually had to work for your gear and your levels...walking until level 40, and then getting a mount only if you had saved up the 100g required to buy the riding skill and the mount. Once they started nerfing everything to up their player counts, it began its long slow demise.


I admit, I hung around longer than I should have, lasting all the way through Cata; what a disappointment that was. Pandas? Please. Ihad spent enough of my life (8+ years) doing repetitive dailys. Thus, I'm back to Counter-Strike after a 10 year hiatus.


If you still like WoW, more power to you, but for me, nothing will compare to that first agonizing year, and the joy of finally getting my first toon, an undead warlock, to level 60. What a feeling!

Edited by Dr. Hfuhruhurr
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I think some of you have your rose colored glasses on about vanilla. 40 man raids were awful. Trying to get that many human beings to form a coherent group was a superhuman feat. And class imbalances were even worse. A paladin in vanilla was there as a res bit and pretty much nothing more. Druid gear optimization was nonexistent. If you recall, the best caster gear for Druids typically had agility and strength on it. Druid tank gear wasn't even seen until BC. And don't even get me started on plate repair costs. WoW might not be as fun as you remember it, but overall it's much more enjoyable than it was.

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I think some of you have your rose colored glasses on about vanilla. 40 man raids were awful. Trying to get that many human beings to form a coherent group was a superhuman feat. And class imbalances were even worse. A paladin in vanilla was there as a res bit and pretty much nothing more. Druid gear optimization was nonexistent. If you recall, the best caster gear for Druids typically had agility and strength on it. Druid tank gear wasn't even seen until BC. And don't even get me started on plate repair costs. WoW might not be as fun as you remember it, but overall it's much more enjoyable than it was.

I mean, the logistics behind a 40 man raid was bad but 40 mans themselves were ridiculously fun.

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know. The part of getting 40 people at the zone in to get raid started was always so crazy lol. And the 3-5 drops were almost always for hunters..you rarely see any drops for the healing class. But all in all, it was great raiding with friends and family. I miss the old days.

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My co-guild leader blew my guild leader one time while we we were on an alt run..They were french


I raided hardcore 3-4 days a week ++ hours. Idk how i healed with like 20 fps but I wasn't awful ~~

Edited by Kevin Sucks
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