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reviewed Teamspeak Ban.


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Banned for 24 hours by diamelo, I was pretty bm , but I was badmouthed by a particular member so you can understand why I used said expletives. I think 24 hours is excessive, with only dreamwrecking me prior.

I wasn't really trolling , I was just having conversation in a banterous humour, there is a difference. Can understand why I was banned , but I 24 hours is excessive.I would think that as a friend of diamelo's he would atleast tell me, that im crossing the line, but only asked me if I could stop trolling , but I dont see it as trolling but conversation/ banter. My attitude wouldnt have been as bad if I hadn't have been provoked by said member.

Edited by A Litttle Perry
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So let me get this straight, you think a 24 hour ban excessive for a situation that could of been totally avoided by either ignoring that member that provoked you into your bad behavior, or by bringing it up to someone to talk to that member.


Also that you also were dreamwrecked by diamelo and you still went on by disrespecting him by poking him fa**** and so called threatened him by spamming him, and you still think a 24 hour ban is excessive???


And also you come on the forums not even apologizing for what you did either, and you want the ban to be reduced???? You are lucky diamelo just banned you only for 24 hours.


Now wait for diamelo's response.

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This is not how we act in strat, i had nothing but bad news from you and everyone else in HG, lately you have been trying to troll me and you been lucky that i only kick you or move you out of the channel.


But now since you want to piss off other divisions and cause shit there i am gonna upgrade this too 3 days from 24 hrs.


have a good weekend.

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