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Neighbor Problem


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actually now i put just a regular nice looking fence up around the property. Except theres a small surprise. of you touch it when its turned on you get shocked the fuck out of you


Is it a full fledged electric fence or one of those little keep your horses in the pasture fences? The former are illegal in most residential areas (check w/ your local gov't) and you'll get sued to your neighbor's heart's content if it zaps one of her chillun. Even w/ warning signs, most electric fences are not allowed in suburban/urban/residential neighborhoods if even one side of it is facing public access, for example a cul de sac or street. Usually you have to put a fence outside the electric fence to be able to use something like that :) Just trying to save you some $ on a lawsuit.

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Is it a full fledged electric fence or one of those little keep your horses in the pasture fences? The former are illegal in most residential areas (check w/ your local gov't) and you'll get sued to your neighbor's heart's content if it zaps one of her chillun. Even w/ warning signs, most electric fences are not allowed in suburban/urban/residential neighborhoods if even one side of it is facing public access, for example a cul de sac or street. Usually you have to put a fence outside the electric fence to be able to use something like that :) Just trying to save you some $ on a lawsuit.


Yeah. Attractive nuisance laws. Just like you'll probably be liable if one of the little fuckers drowns in your pool.

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Go to Home Depot get some workers and pay them to stand in front of her house with signs that say "We build pools for tacos!" She will instantly see and read this higher them have a pool made PROBLEM FUCKIN SOLVED!


so i was reading through the posts and find venom

higher= above

hire= given job



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