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Tf2 Servers


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1. My question is directed towards any type of leadership, most likely TF2.

2. I was wondering what happened to most of HG's TF2 servers. I realize that there are still quite a few but it seems they're mostly trading, idling, surf, or some type of 24/7 map server. I'd like to see HG get a few more broader based servers like 24/7 payload maps, not restricted to one certain map.

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We were planning on doing a valve rotation server, but right as we were going to put that up, valve released an update pertaining to the "Join official games only" button, which brings down our chances of getting a valve rotation filled.


Before that, we had multiple real tf2 servers. But they were always empty and were just a waste of server space.


That being said, if you could propose a plausible plan to fill a real server, and have it populated quite a bit, it will be brought up at the next meeting.

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I held off on making a Payload server because Valve fucked over community servers by making it so people that use the quick-play system get automatically placed in Valve hosted servers (unless you turn that off in the settings). So right now I'm in the process of making either a Valve maps rotational server or a server that has some Valve maps and a few custom Payload/Control Point maps.

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