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reviewed Unban Request


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Hello I was banned from Perp 3.0 and wanted to know why, and if possible to unban me. I know sometimes I run over people, however I apologize and call the ambulance. And there was one time I was playing and police was patrolling the city, and saw two people suspected in the bank, I kept my eyes on them, they robbed the bank and entered a car, i killed the 2 guys who robbed the bank and the pilot car. Shortly after police arrived and more adim Kill joy that swept me off my job and left me on the black list for 1 hour. And then I went back to playing normally on the next day (today) tried to enter the server and says it was banned. These were the things I did wrong, I was pretty honest and ask to remove the ban if possible. Thank you for your attention, here's my steam id: 1:47306038

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