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Bronze To Silver Ranked Team!


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Hey guys! I'm setting up a ranked team for our Bronze-Silver players! I'd like to be on it, but we'll see!

To everyone that is interested:

I'd like you to post your position, your best champions, your league, your division, and your W/L ratio (not important).


We'll be practicing a few times a week, preferably three times week. We may get coaching from some of the higher ranked players in our clan to help us improve. Preferably highly ranked players that play your position, no promises yet. We will ---NEED---team synergy. That means that when you want to play a champion and the rest of the team thinks it is a bad idea because we lack some type of champion, you pick another champion. There will be a team captain that will be considered the "shot caller" type of guy.


I just want everyone to know that even though this will be taken seriously, to an extent, you need to realize it s JUST A GAME. Don't get overly toxic, don't put your team mates down, don't do your own thing. This is a team game, remember that.


This is my team, I am responsible for it and I will make the decisions on who is on it. My decisions are pretty much final.


Either way, Good Luck and Have Fun guys!



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This sounds like a swell idea


*reads everything under "I'd like you to post your position, your best champions, your league, your division, and your W/L ratio." then posts.





I jungle main, can ADC, and support if need be, love elise, sejuani, just starting zac, vi is brokenly op, unranked this season, silver 4 last, currently 1/3 wins in placement matches, reg games i'm ~54% win

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I'm in, Support/Mid can last resort jungle or top never adc tho


Im silver V with a 22/27 Win/Loss ATM


Mid: Ahri, Annie, Malzahar, Lux, Morgana, Veigar

Support: Soraka, Annie, Taric, Kayle, Morgana

Top: Jax, Annie, Garren

Jung: Master Yi, Fiddelsticks, Udyr

ADC: Ashe, Sivir (I hate ADC)


Its AdmiralAkber on league

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Silver 1 21/16 win loss Can play any position except ADC.


Top: Jax, Rumble, Garen, Pantheon, Master Yi (lmao), Shen, Nasus

Jungle: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Udyr, Volibear, Elise

Mid: Zed, Yasuo and Orianna

Support: Thresh, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Taric and Leona


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Hey Kalron, putting my app here like you said,


Interested in Support for this team, but I main mid/adc in solo queue.


I can play the big three: Thresh, Leona, and Annie.


I also can play Soraka, Sona, Pantheon, Taric, Leblanc, etc and even Teemo support. =P


The only support I do not play is Nami. I also do not play Blitzcrank anymore because he is extremely underpowered these days. You may as well play a pure damage support instead of him, he is very underpowered right now in this meta....


I didn't mention Alistar because I am god-aweful at doing his headbutt into Q combo.

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Alright, so this is my prefer choices and from my best to not my best.




My top champions are Riven, Renekton, Diana, Lee Sin, and sometimes if not banned Shen.


My jungle champions are Lee Sin, Hecarim, Nocturne, Shaco, Vi, and Xin Zhao.


My main carries are Caitlyn, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Vayne, and Varus. I can do most of all of the marksman champions.


My mid champions are Fizz, Mordkasier, Zed, Orriana, and Diana.


My support champions are Leona, Sona, Thresh, Orrianna, Soraka, and Taric.



I usually do not play any types of support champions to master thier machanics, but I have had some experience in them.

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im guessing this is for na but ill try anyway i play mid, top. my main champ for mid is kha'zix and my top champ is wukong but can play many champs.

my ingame name is adamt233 on na and on euw it is bring swords i was bronze 1 in season 3 and i am currently silver 5 and my win ratio is 14-11

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Supp- Lulu, Leona, Thresh, Janna, Sona

Adc- Vayne, Ashe, Caitlyn, Varus, Miss Fortune

Jungle- Malphite, Warwick, Master Yi, Shen, Xin Zhao

Mid- Ryze

Top- Ryze


Available from 5-9pm M, Tu, Th, F. Wednesdays are vague.

Availability during weekends varies but time is available.

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Supp- Lulu, Leona, Thresh, Janna, Sona

Adc- Vayne, Ashe, Caitlyn, Varus, Miss Fortune

Jungle- Malphite, Warwick, Master Yi, Shen, Xin Zhao

Mid- Ryze

Top- Ryze


Available from 5-9pm M, Tu, Th, F. Wednesdays are vague.

Availability during weekends varies but time is available.


I'll wreck that Ryze of yours, he got too nerfed :)

If you want a close combat ap mid, I'd say go for annie or if you count lissandra for being close combat.

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I'll wreck that Ryze of yours, he got too nerfed :)

If you want a close combat ap mid, I'd say go for annie or if you count lissandra for being close combat.

I've played off and on since s1, but I've just always liked him.

Nerfed or not, he is just someone I like to play, but I really do not play mid or top.

I typically only do those roles out of force or for amusement.

Thanks for the advice though.

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