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[Intermediate]Coaching On Every Role


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Hey Guys. Im interested in coaching any of you guys that are interested. I have pretty high experience with all the roles and heroes that are currently in the game. I can help you in anything

From supporting(warding, pulling ,stacking , rotating etc..) , playing Mid (Rune Control, Harass , Bottle crow , lane equilibrium) and Hard Carrying (Maximum Effieciency in last hitting, Farming under tower, Item Choices etc...)


If your interested in being Coached by me please go ahead and add me on Steam.


It would also help a ton if you make a post filling out this form


[Location] :


[Role/Mechaninc you need help with]:

[Times you can play]:




Extra info you wanna add


Heres my info :

Steam : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031989713

Dotabuff : http://dotabuff.com/players/71723985

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  • 2 months later...

[Location] : Middle Tennessee (CST)


[Role/Mechaninc you need help with]: Support/Pulling and Stacking/ also just being a more versatile player

[Times you can play]: Any time after around 12-1pm Tuesday/Wednesday/Saturday until 5:30am and 12-1 every other day until 5:30pm

[steam] STEAM_0:0:31944256

[Dotabuff] http://dotabuff.com/players/63888512

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