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Fighting Protoss As Zerg


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You almost always lose against protoss as zerg, but I think I may have found a method that almost always cripples protoss.


Protoss gains power from being left alone in the very early stage. 6-8pooling will make sure they don't build a deathball within ten minutes. If you keep harassing they won't get anything done and they'll likely leave before long.

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there is a lot you can do i play as zerg im top diamond and my favorite match is against protoss i have like over a 60% win rate protoss is very easy. if you see them build there second base quickly either you rush them if you are set up for it or you build your 3rd right away

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I agree with Nak Muay. I always build my third when I see their natural go down. After that I tech up to lair and throw down a Roach Warren and Baneling Nest. I also have 1/1 researching by the time I get Lair tech. MOst of the time 1/1 melee/carapace is done by lair pop. After that, I feel most options are open for you to do. I most of the time have four gases taken as well by about 9-10 minutes. THis helps you collect gas for what I gdo, 14 minute or so ultras! B.A.M.F. stuff right there. But even if you can't do 14-15 minute ultras, you have enough tech to defend any all in. I mean as long as you fend off any DT rushes, you can win the game by defending/harassing their expos and then counter attacking shortly after you defend them. That's how most of my ZvPs go. I'm only in gold but I can be in plat, but I'm in gold, no excuses there. Take what you want from that info.

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