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not abuse [Hg] Fuzzy Dice [A]

Joshua Lee

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1. Abuser name:

[Hg] Fuzzy Dice [A]


2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:62360924

3. What server:Zombie Survival

4. About what time: 5PM CST

5. PROOF: http://imgur.com/lS0...WO7btvj,dxrI8UZ & http://hellsgamers.c...sy-turvy-mayhem also this link contributes to it a little bit (talks about what happened & the cade) http://hellsgamers.c...ng/#entry559300

6. Please tell us about the incident :



This thread was locked http://hellsgamers.c...ng/#entry559300 I was not done with the matter, I am now placing this into abuse as I think this Admin handled this situation completely wrong & should be stopped from doing it again.


To my response on the last post (couldn't make it because it got locked) :

"k, Sorry didn't see the picture & info he provided unerneath the ban info. From the looks of it I was a couple minutes into the cade & still building it. The screanies I provided is what the outcome of it was & I was still making improvements on it up until I was banned. He should have given me more time before making a ban decision like that & from only one perspective. I honestly think he could have handled this situation better by placing a vote in order rather than blankly banning me."


Back to the Report:

The Rules state this

  • 2. Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers)

I was given no warning, Players in chat were NOT complaining about my cade, there were actually players helping me build it & I was not a threat because a better cade was next to mine with the majority in it. I am a person that believes in justice & I do not think that this was justified for the following reasons,

1. I was given no warning

2. The screany provided by the admin was the start of my cade & was only from one perspective. (I have accurate screenshots in the link provided above)

3. My cade was not the best but I don't believe it was a shitcade given that players were able to shoot & See through good & I was working on 2 layers of protection before banned.

4. If this admin thought it was a shitcade it should have gone by a Vote for zlist & not to his own discretion.

5. My cade was not a threat for other players. It was basically a solo cade with a couple other people.

6. Was given a perm ban.


The ban page says this" Fuzzy Dice changed ban duration from permanent [0 seconds] to 2h [7200 seconds]"

2 Hour ban, tho it isn't long & now over with I will continue to fight this. No player should be getting perm bans for shitcading or even 2 hour bans unless its called for, Like stated in the rules the player must get a warning in admin chat before punishing, Zlist should have been in order after a warning but this player jumped Directly to a ban with no warning. I honestly do not think I did anything wrong, I do not know why he decided to make a rash decision like this but it was uncalled for & should be prevented for future players.



I hope you give this matter some consideration & understand why this player should be talked to about his actions.




Thank you for your time.

Edited by inermotion
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Looking at other bans the bans are kind of questionable, i.e this cade is not half that bad with the props provided but he starts out by giving him a 30 minute ban & then ups it to 2 hours



This ban is a perm ban like mine & then he switches it down to 2 hours.



No evidence peovided



30 Min



1 hour



1 hour



2 hours



No evidence provided



No evidence provided



30 Min



2 hours



30 min







The list goes on, I would like to know why all of these players are not warned before being banned. There have to be hundreds of these buried in the ban reports. This is unjustified according to the rules this community has set forth, None of these players should be getting bans without being given their rights first. Also what is so different from the cades that make it a 30 minute ban to a perm ban? I have no prior bans & Was perm ban up until I said something & even then I was given the higher end time of bans according to his ban record which shows spite towards me, other players have multiple bans & get a 30 minute to 2 hour bans on the same offense. Some bans do not even have evidence provided for it.


This Rule is just as important as any other, If provided like it should players would likely comply to it & I am not just talking about cade bans but all bans except hack related, tbh when players join they do not know the rules, they do not know how to cade rite, they do not know how to heal, fight good or help the team, they are just starting out & trying to learn & do what they can, I believe this is part of the reason why this rule was put into place & players should be given this right so they can change their course of action. If Admins do not give this then why is it there?

  • 2. Admins MUST warn a wrongdoer in ADMIN chat before punishing (except for hackers)

Furthermore I would like to Rest my case unless more statements are needed.

Edited by inermotion
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Ok I don't know why you're bringing other bans into this and complaining because they are pretty much the basic time limit for a zlist. Also, he permanently zlisted you, not ban (i.e. You can still play on the server, you just can't cade) and he accidentally set it to perm by mistake, and he even apologized for making it permanent so again still don't understand why you're still mentioning that when he already posted it on the ban report. And Fuzzy should not be forced to vote zlist you, he already has admin so why should he be limited to what he can cannot due in regards of using admin commands? In regards to your zlist, though, the ban has already passed, and I do agree that Fuzzy should have warned you before zlisting, but that is the really only bad thing I see with your zlist. I will be talking to him about warning, but no real abuse here.



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