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Double Topic: Bug & 'suggestion' - Both About 1 Thing.


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Greetings everybody,

I'm sure many of you, like me, have had this problem:

you know where the zombie spawn is, you know what happens when you're too close, you move as far as you can from the zombie spawn, you can see the names of the players on the bottom of the screen selected to be zombies based on their location on the map (and you don't see your name in there)...

and even so, you get chosen to be on the zombie team for no logic reason at all.

At least in other servers its not random, so I'm not 100% it is a bug or a feature of this server.



People gets randomly chosen to be on the zombie team.

The original creators of the game mode have a wiki about zombie survival. I found this in there:

During this time, 11% of the players on the server will be selected to become zombies. These will be the players closest to a zombie spawn at the beginning of the round.



Fix this bug.


Real suggestion:

Add some kind of points for being on the zombie team.

its not fair only the humans can get points to save for later when zombies get nothing at all but the chance to redeem so you can be killed again in less than 1 minute because it spawns you outside of every barricade.



Totally unnecessary information that you shouldn't even waste energy in reading:

Yeah, the 'suggestion' is stupid, I know it.

I hate being chosen as the zombie when I'm behind everyone, I know where the zombie spawn is, I know where to step to avoid it, but so many times the game chooses randomly and its so unfair, in less than the 2 minutes before the zombies are chosen I get to bring many props to the place I want to barricade, even get some of them in place and nail them. Its basically a waste of time.

I know I can't lose points because players can't buy until round 1 starts but its more than that, in some maps I want to barricade / kill zombies but in others that are plain bad I get myself killed to be a zombie, I don't mind being a zombie, when I wanted or I commit an error like being too close to the spawn.

What I can't stand is being chosen as zombie, on maps that I don't see too often where I like to play as human, without logical reason at all.

The proof this is a a bug is that a while ago I walked into the zombie spawn hoping to be a zombie and I wasn't chosen to be a zombie in the beginning.

Edited by quierotacobell
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There's a bunch of factors that can change who you would think the starter zombies are.


1. Afk people cannot be selected.

...yet they will still show up on the list.


2. The list freezes

Known problem.


3. People who have "permanent zombie volunteer"

This also doesn't show up on the list, so it can work past how far/close your are to zspawn.


4. Last second movements

Explains itself.


5. Sometimes multiple zombie spawns are considered

Which doesn't show on the list. If there's one in front and behind you being in the middle can be best.



If you feel you were chosen totally randomly there might be something else but as far as I know it's one of these problems.

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1. I've been chosen to be on the zombie team while afk.

2. Is anyone working to solve this? (just wondering).

3. I don't have "permanent zombie volunteer" checked if that's what you mean.

4. So in the last second everyone go behind a wall? (that's the only way the would be farther away from the zombie spawn than me)

5. I'm talking about maps where there's only 1 zombie spawn. And if there's more than 1 spawn it should be shown in the list (this is a bug, it should be fixed like so)

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